Stride is a mechanic introduced in the G era of Vanguard and was further expanded upon in Premium Collection products. Create and find decks for Paladins, a hero shooter developed by Hi-Rez Studios. All of that changed when they received Stunverse Dragon in Premium Collection 2020. In category 1, Great Nature has 2 strides: Balaurl is generally a solid finisher in the deck. It tends to call units from the deck. The second G-guardian is Igraine, which only gains its ability when you have an Altmile vanguard. Our second stride is Gluttony Nebiros. Not to worry: usually opponents will lose on this Bledermaus turn, as we are close-to-confirmed hitting all triggers on our drive checks. Pull off powerful attacks with the power of Bluish Flames to quickly settle the fight! 4 Knight of Exemplary Sword, Lucius, 1 Barcgal (First Vanguard) 4 Cheer Girl, Marilyn (Draw Trigger/Sentinel). Their Combination With Past Packs Are Also Super Powerful! Fort Myers, Florida. A <> Deck whose ace is Goddess of Good Luck, Fortuna. The new <> trump card with a card that alters your Drive Check to Look at the top 2 cards of your Deck, Drive Check 1 card, and call the other card to a Rearguard. Which units don't have skills? Let's say you wanted to try the Vanguard Premium format. 2 Ravioli Magus 4 Cool Hank Lightning Speed, Instant Kill Technique! In category 1, Aqua Force has 2 big strides. By Locking the opponents Rear-guards each turn, to make their offense and defense impossible, slowly wearing the opponent down. Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon Royal Paladin is a more aggro-based toolbox deck. Beyond that, it also flips up other G-guardians, which means you will have more cards face-up in your G zone and thus Alexandros will give you an even bigger power boost. It is the first regular army of the holy nation. 4 Diligent Assistant, Minibelly Usually 1 copy of this card can be enough, but it doesn't hurt to own a second. Some lists now cut it for a cray elemental; Tear, whilst others rely solely on Dancing Cutlass V or King Serpent for their counter-charge. Royal Paladin (V Series) 811 0 by YudaiMatsuro GRADE 0 - 17 4x Bringer of Good Luck, Epona (Critical) 4x Flash Shield, Iseult (Draw) 4x Flogal (Critical) 1x Glyme (Starting Vanguard) 4x Yggdrasil Maiden, Elaine (Heal) GRADE 1 - 15 2x Auspice Falcon 3x Knight Squire, Allen 3x Lion Mane Stallion 3x Little Sage, Marron 4x Pongal GRADE 2 - 10 You want 1-2 copies of this card. Ever since G, it has been able to search its deck for a variety of cards. 3 Shura Stealth Dragon, Kujikiricongo A <> Deck whose ace card is Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominence Core. 4 Full Speed Dragon, Bluesprint It even becomes capable of Drive Checks! Since Granblue has access to a lot of mill cards, this is usually no problem. 4 Demonic Dragon Mage, Rakshasa (Critical Trigger) After this stride, you will often try to use the legion ability of Overlord The X, or simply stride Dumjid Valor again. Stealth Dragon, Magatsu Gale You'll want 2-3 copies of this card. 4 Dragon Dancer, Nastasha (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) While not nearly as powerful as Sleimy Flare, sometimes you do not have the field to activate Sleimy. 4 Grim Revenger (Critical Trigger) 4 Flowers in Vacuum, Cosmo Wreath (Draw Trigger/Sentinel) In category 2, Pale Moon has 2 G-guardians. 4 Ghostie Leader, Beatrice 4 Honorary Professor, Chatnoir 3 Raven-haired Ezel In category 2, we have 2 G-guardians. We. 4 Cuticle Defender, Flavia (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) 1 Blaze Foresight It can also be used to call a Liselotte, which might then find another card from the top of your deck. Tetra Magus As mentioned earlier, Great Nature has access to a very simple OTK where if Zoa calls a Talented Rhinos, boosted by Monoculus Tiger, your opponent needs to guard a 99,999 power attack without ANY grade 0s AND without ANY sentinels OR only with G-guardians (depending on which effect of Monoculus Tiger gets activated). Vanguard Standard Format Bushiroad Championship Series 2019 (British Columbia) - Cardfight!! You want 1-2 copies of this card. 4 Hot Shot Celestial, Samyaza (Critical Trigger) Gear Chronicle is a jack of all trades. The second stride is Momo. 4 Steam Guard, Kastilia (Draw Trigger/Sentinel), A Noble Yet Cursed, Dark Aristocrat. 4 Embodiment of Spear, Tahr (Critical Trigger) 4 Demonted Executioner 4 Rectangle Magus, 4 Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi 4 Goddess of Good Luck, Fortuna 3), and if you draw 3, you can look at the top 5 cards of your Deck, place 2 on the top of your Deck ad place the remainder on the bottom of the Deck. All your plant tokens don't have skills. You can further strengthen the high Power Gauntlet Buster Dragon! Destroy your opponents Rear-guards and then swing with a deadly blow! While its shield value isn't incredibly high, it is one of the only G-guardians in the game that is able to flip itself back down to generate resources. When its placed and at the end of every turn, it whittles the opponents hand down until theres 6 cards left. Most decks struggle to keep fields filled against a Kagero deck and this G-guardian likes to capitalize on that. Humanoid creatures with great intelligence. A <> Deck whose ace card is Single Quiet, Refiarade. In Premium, one of its biggest assets is Geomaglass, which makes the deck incredibly tank-y the longer the game goes on. A <> Deck that has Ancient Dragon, Spinodriver as its ace. You want 2-3 copies of this card. 2 Nitro Juggler, 4 Amusing Bunny Hougen Wing can at least get a bit bigger now that grade 1s from V have 10,000 shield. 4 Steel Fist Dragon, Fury All Dragon (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) You want 2 copies of this card. 1 Stealth Fiend, Kirifubuki (Sentinel) A single copy of this card should be sufficient. During the turn this card appears, this Units skill powers up ally Units in the same column. 4 Transcendent Divider, Cassiel (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) Exterminate your opponents Grade 2 Units and activate your Vanguards powerful abilities! You will want 1-2 copies of this card. 3 Blaster Dark (Alternatively, one can win on a Zoa-Rhino turn. You want 1-2 copies of this card. The second stride is Brambent Dragon. For me, Gold Paladin: Gurguit Great Nature: Isabelle Angel Feather: Gavrial Oracle Think Tank: Susanoo Shadow Paladin: Luard Genesis: Himiko-Regalia Royal Paladin: MLB Kagero: DOTX Nubatama: Shinurai Tachikaze: Angerblader Murakumo: Shirayuki Narukami: Vermillion Nova Grappler: God Hand This is an extremely powerful combination that can swiftly turn the game around. Majesty Lord Blaster (Royal Paladin) Deck Profile! Phone: (231) 203-7001 Call. 4 Phantasma Executor, 4 Bestial Squeezer Massive humanoids who study literature and exhibit great physical might. 4 Shura Stealth Dragon, Jamyocongo You want 2-3 copies of this card. 4 Qingxin Flower Maiden, Fiorenza (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) Vanguard 3,296 views Apr 22, 2022 102 Dislike Share Nexus Corps 17.9K subscribers Welcome back to Nexus Corps! You want 3-4 copies of this card. 4 Red Lightning (Critical Trigger) 4 Shura Stealth Dragon, Mumyoucongo (Heal Trigger/Heal Guardian) 4 Lost Gear Dog, Eight Included in Extra Booster 3: ULTRARARE MIRACLE COLLECTION 2 Pluck Enchanter 4 Bringer of Good Luck, Epona (Critical Trigger) 3 Friendly High-Touch, Scioltia, 4 Reliable Faith, Lusalos You want 2-3 copies of this card. In category 2 Megacolony has 2 G-guardians. 3 Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom 4 Peony Musketeer, Martina, 4 Lycoris Musketeer, Saul 4 True Ancient Dragon, Bladeromeus, 4 Ancient Dragon, Dinocrowd Looking at the top 2 cards of your Deck, adding 1 to your hand, and returning the other to the top of your Deck is quite the strong Skill! 1 Calamity Tower Wyvern, 1 Lizard Soldier, Conroe (First Vanguard) Vanguard ZERO: Royal Paladin Galahad Deck Build and Guide - UrGameTips. In the nice-to-have category, Royal Paladin has a variety of cards, depending on your goals and builds. The Moonlight Shining On The Darkness. In category 1, Spike Brothers has 2 strides. It's probably best to own 2 copies of this card. At the very least, youll be able to attack with 3 Criticals! You will want 2-3 copies of this card. Because of the restriction between Jamyocongo and Rinne, a lot of Nubatama players do not have access to Rinne. It is one of the best G-guardians in the game because of its disruptive capabilities with very little resource requirement. In category 1, Tachikaze has 2 strides. (Previously, Bermuda had access to the most powerful G-guard; Elly, but she was banned) You will want 2 copies of this card. Combine Ichikishima with Silent Tom V to create unguardable attacks. 4 Psychic Bird (Critical Trigger) Standard format. Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi You will want 1-2 copies of this card. Its second stride, Genbold Dragon, is more of a resource-building stride. The second stride is Marduk. He will allow you to activate your grade 3's ACT skill before striding onto it. 4 Eradicator, Vowing Sword Dragon This way, you can stop smaller attacks from happening altogether or you weaken all the power lines your opponent wants to throw at you this turn. You will want 1-2 copies of this card. Whenever players see Jamyocongo, they often start calling their hand onto the board, knowing they'll otherwise have to discard it anyway. Be aware that you only need to play 1 Zoa for this combo. Even if your deck runs 0 Harmony cards, you can always call a single unit behind her, which means 2 units will be in Harmony. Ihoannes is Aqua Force's potentially largest G-guardian. Use your skills to whittle your opponents hand apart, prevent them from standing, and disrupt their plays to bend the situation in your favor! This is a floodgate-like mechanic and is often seen as part of the "control" deck type. 4 Supreme Army Eradicator, Zuitan This G-guard will allow you to call Marimarten onto a circle during your opponent's battle phase, triggering Marimarten's retire skill while they're attacking. Also, by placing itself in the Soul, you can return a Rear-guard to the hand. Yu-Gi-Oh! 4 Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Dragon Our second G-guardian is Shishiyuzuki. You will want 2 copies of this card. Thanks to a variety of Premium-exclusive cards, it can build large hand sizes unlike its standard or V counterpart. You want 2-3 copies of this card. 2 Listener of Truth, Dindrane, 1 Spring Breeze Messenger (First Vanguard) Its second G-guard would be Relish Lady. 4 Stealth Beast, Tobihiko (Critical Trigger) 4 Dockin Shooter, Pellea (Critical Trigger) It can often be a solid "first G guard" for your game. Its second G-guard is Verna. 4 Young Pirate Noble, Pinot Noir For more information, please see our 4 Seeker, Thing Saver Dragon 1 Freezing Witch, Bendi, 1 Crisis Revenger, Fritz (First Vanguard) Currently its most viable deck builds tend to attempt to overwhelm the opponent as quickly as possible with an onslaught of tokens. Royal Paladin ( Roiyaru Paradin) is a clan from the United Sanctuary nation. This does not mean you're forced to play him, as spike brothers have a variety of other strong moves, BUT if your goal is to play Spikes optimally, you will still want to look into this card. 4 Supersonic Sailor (Critical Trigger) A <> Deck whose ace is Seal Dragon, Blockade. He quite frankly gets BIG, but his most important power is flipping up other G-guardians in order to do our Hellhard Eight combo. 4 Rising Phoenix, 1 Eradicator, Spring Light Dracokid (First Vanguard) Some Bermuda decks can be extremely aggressive, whilst others can be very defensive. You want to run 1-2 copies. 4 Blitzritter (Critical Trigger) A <> Deck whose ace card is Seeker, Thing Saver Dragon. 3 Stealth Dragon, Zanba Rider (Critical Trigger) You will want 2-4 copies of this card. Suriel is an interesting card that will let you get extra potential damage triggers. In category 2, Dark Irregulars have 2 G-guardians. Gold Paladin has known a variety of playstyles through the ages. Watch List; Powered by,, & SIGN UP NOW for the Weekly Update! 4 Bisection Star-vader, Zirconium 4 Greeting Drummer (Front Trigger) It raises its own Power and Criticals, and also has a skill to seal opponents Sentinels. Bouncing cards around the field whilst creating advantage, Steal your opponent's resources or lock them out of playing certain cards, Swarm the field with tokens and quickly overwhelm the opponent, Multi-attack and be rewarded with a lot of card draw. Alternatively, if your deck isn't a very aggressive combo deck (like NLK or Scharhrot), you may want to stride into Balaam before finishing things with Bledermaus. Combine it with Isabelles Lottery Abilities to attack with enormous Power! Thanks to Basasael, the potential for gigantic G-guarding grows every turn. Not only does it let you retire 2 cards to potentially draw into far more powerful ones, it also forces your opponent to guard with at least 2 cards every single battle whilst also giving your entire front row 15,000 power. Its a useful Unit for when youre not able to place a Trigger on the top of your Deck with the skill of Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi. 3 Stealth Beast, Moon Edge (Critical Trigger) 2 Knight Squire, Allen, 1 Barcgal (First Vanguard) He will, however, not be used very often when playing a Hellhard Eight type deck. In category 1, Gold Paladin has 2 strides. The clan is themed around knights, dragons, wizards, and animals, among others, with a focus around several folktales like Arthurian Legends. With the ability to go from Grade 2 to Grade 3 in the same turn, one can say this card is synonymous with <>! The most impactful one by far is Atlantis Dolphin. You want to run 4 copies. 2 Coral Witch, ZaZa (Sentinel) In category 1, Dark Irregular has 1 stride. In category 1, Granblue has 2 big strides. 4 Isolation Eradicator, Nusku 4 Paralyze Madonna (Draw Trigger/Sentinel) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You will want 1-2 copies of this card. This stride essentially lets you active important ACT skills (like Ahsha's to create the token) and THEN lets you stride with a nice power and crit bonus on top. This means you could call a Honoly (which limits your opponent's battles) without them even being able to prepare for it. 4 Chronodragon Nextage, 2 Steam Knight, Kalibum A <> Deck whose ace is Revenger, Raging Form Dragon. In category 1, Neo Nectar is a bit of an odd one. Top it all off with a sentinel restriction should you reach 15 soul, and you'll understand why you definitely want her in your deck. In G, it received a "dominate" mechanic, which allows them to make your opponent's rear guards attack their own vanguard. Shandee is a toolbox all to herself whilst also creating extra attacks. 4 Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon 4 Emerald Shield, Paschal (Draw Trigger/Sentinel), The Aesthetics of Brutally Cruel Evil. He will create multi-attacks whilst refunding his own cost, potentially drawing into more useful cards. Be aware that this card ONLY works with Alfred or Blaster vanguards. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A <> Deck whose ace card is Evil Armor General, Giraffa. You want 1 copy of this card. This card will only retire resting rear-guards, but don't worry! 4 Torridcannon Dragon Our second G-guardian is Bullish Primer, which gets huge, given Tachikaze's willingness to retire its own board during a Gluttony Nebiros turn. Cookie Notice 4 Pincer Attack Mutant, Intrude Scissors So I think the royal paladin is a better . Often, these are combo pieces or very powerful older cards that create interesting interactions with your newer cards. Archived post. This G-guardian has a very unique mechanic, where you want to guard with a variety of cards first, then activate Spangled and automatically get to draw new cards instead. 4 Steam Maiden, Ribbul, 1 Chrono Dran (First Vanguard) (By now, Ezel has been nerfed because of a restriction on Wonder Ezel G). 4 White Hare of Inaba You will want 1-2 copies of this card. 4 Cyber Tigger (Critical Trigger) 4 Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon Raven-haired Ezel Full build royal paladin v series deck. Gavrail Eden will essentially be a setup stride in case you don't have all the pieces to do a full V gameplan (like a Hamiel OTK). 4 Stealth Beast, Tobihiko (Critical Trigger) By constantly binding the opponents cards, you can massively power-up your Units! In category 3, there are a lot of solid potential candidates, but none are quite as impactful as Floral Paladin, Flogal. 4 Single Quiet, Refiarade Every single clan tends to receive support at once in the Premium Collection sets. 2 Buster Surgeon, Asphael, 4 Candle Celestial, Sariel 4 Stealth Beast, Mijingakure (Draw Trigger/Sentinel). Most V support is not compatible with most G support, *Special thanks to contributors: Solemn Vanguard, Yellowcard Vanguard, Mohammed A. , DifferentFight *, FREE SHIPPING FOR MATS & BOXES IN NORTH AMERICA. 3 Hoodlum Stealth Rogue, Tagamaru, 4 Master Swordsman of Successive Victory, Houzan It tends to work around drop zone recursion (reviving units and recycling resources). You want to run 1-2 copies of this card. Negromode's shield will scale with your drop zone size. Often referred to as "Angerblader Lite", this card will essentially give you an extremely similar turn to your typical Angerblader plays. What cards should you pick up for each clan and why? Megiddo: Granblue is one of the clans that benefits a lot from its Zeroth Dragon. The Wide World Calls Me! Budget Aggro Paladin - Forged in the Barrens Hearthstone Decks - Out of Cards. This usually made them a solid mid-range type of deck. The ability to retire an opponent's unit during their own battle phase without having to utilize a crazy combo like Pale Moon, Granblue and Great Nature have to, is simply too strong to pass up. This third category is the smallest one and might sometimes even be empty, as very often newer cards have better stats than old ones. She can get quite large, but only works when your opponent's Vanguard attacks yours. Thanks to Enigmatic Assassin and No Life King Death Anchor, it has been a strong contender in the Premium metagame since its inception. Luckily, the Premium Collection critical triggers have the V powers whilst still retaining an ability. Impede Dragon will always bind 1 rear guard with the potential for binding 1 and retiring another. You will want 1-3 copies of this card. Supreme Finisher, Avalanche Crush Rush! 4 Laurel Knight, Sicilus 4 Herbivorous Dragon, Brutosaurus (Front Trigger) Morfessa is one of the most powerful strides in the game. Feel free to drop me an offer or pm me for more details and we can discuss the price. They can quickly amass a full field of units while at the same time mitigating the loss of hand advantage through either drawing cards when calling rearguards, return rested rearguards to the hand or superior calling or riding specific units from the deck or soul. You will want 2-3 copies of this stride. In category 2 Megacolony has 2 G-guardians. Call forth various Stealth Fiends, and strike fear into the depths of your opponents hearts with the continuous attack of your parade of endless horrors! 4 Super Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser Starting from Cardfight! 4 Knight Spirit (Critical Trigger) 4 Cable Sheep (Draw Trigger/Sentinel), The Funeral Flower Blooming on the Battlefield. Vanguard (V Series) 18,125 views Oct 8, 2020 329 Dislike Share Nexus Corps 18.4K subscribers Welcome back to. Pair this with some of the strongest late-game turns Vanguard has ever seen and you get a deck that could be seen as both fast and slow, dependent on how it was built. 4 Lycoris Musketeer, Vera You want 1-2 copies of this card. 3 Magical Police Quilt, 1 Dimensional Robo, Goyusha (First Vanguard) 4 Stealth Fiend, Lady Silhouetta A <> Deck whose ace card is Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Dragon. 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