Mediums for propagating the plant could either be a good potting mix or crystal clear water. Once the roots reach at least an inch in length, you can transfer the cutting back to soil by planting the cutting in a pre-moistened, well-draining soil mixture. Once you have your tools and workspace ready, you can identify a portion of your plant for cutting. Monstera Peru is known for its ability to improve indoor air quality and help purify the air. In order to mature and thrive, Siltepecanas need room for their roots to expand and lots of energy from water and the sun. Monstera Siltepecana Pronunciation. Those are my two little ones. I know this information isnt enough to cure your confusion, but it is a start. The Monstera Siltepecana is a species of flowering plant that is native to Mexico. Monstera Siltepecana is pronounced: Mon-stare-ah Sil-teh-pe-cah-nah. Generally the monstera Peru is a low-maintenance houseplant that is relatively problem-free. Both of these plants are incredibly beautiful and can make a great addition to any home, but there are some key differences between the two that you should be aware of before making a purchase. Steve's Leaves normally has some pretty huge looking . The monstera Peru can be easily propagated by stem cuttings. This allows for good drainage and airflow that the plants relatively short roots can still access. Monstera karstenianum 'Variegated' (Monstera Peru) This type of plant has a fascinating leaf structure, with relatively thick, dark green leaves. Monstera Siltepecana are generally easy to care for. Both plants are similar in appearance, but there are a few key differences that you should be aware of. Monstera Siltepecana vs Peru: Whats the difference? As such, its soil should be allowed to dry out entirely before it is watered again. Ensure that your monstera Peru is receiving several hours of bright, indirect light every day. Monstera siltepecana and the Monstera peru may be of the same genus, but there is plenty to set them apart. Monstera Peru, also known as Kerstenianum, has thick leaves that can grow up to nine centimeters in length, and their texture is bubbly and leather-like. Remember that these monsteras do not require as much light as other species of monstera such as the deliciosa or adansonii. The Monstera Peru is a species of plant in the genus Monstera. Check out the identification tips below to learn of the differences between the two. The monstera Peru is susceptible to a range of common houseplant pests, particularly fungus gnats, mealy bugs, scale, spider mites, and whiteflies. Finally, as these beauties hail from the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America, they do have a penchant for hotter temperatures and humidity. Solving The Puzzle Of Why Monstera Leaves Split, Do Monstera Produce Seeds As Houseplants? When it comes to Monsteras, there are two main types: the Siltepecana and the Peru. An obvious difference lies in the color of the leaves of each plant. Consider investing in a moisture meter. Yellow leaves are usually an indication that your plant is not receiving enough sunlight, or that your plant is overwatered. Instead, they consist of a spathe and a spadix. It should never be placed more than a couple feet away from a bright, sunny window otherwise it may begin to show signs of distress such as yellowing leaves. The Monstera Siltepecana and the Monstera Peru are two very similar looking plants. Also, inspect your plant to make sure its not rootbound, in which case it may need to be transplanted into a bigger space. The leaves of Monstera Peru are typically lighter green in color with darker green stripes running along the veins. The flowers are small and white, and the fruit is a large, orange-colored berry. Irrespective, the standard Monstera Siltepecana is not difficult to come by and can be freely purchased at many a nursery or garden center. To determine which issue youre dealing with, you need to be a little hands-on. Because of its thick leaves, the Monstera peru is notably drought-tolerant, more so than most of its fellow genus species. It will only produce more mature leaves and grow bigger if allowed to climb. Low maintenance, unique vine dwells well both in indoor and outdoor tropical gardens. If youre looking for a plant thats a bit more low-maintenance, the Peru variety may be a better choice. Remember, though, that you, Cut your stems at an angle so that there is as much surface area as possible for. But either way, youre sure to end up with a gorgeous, green plant that will add life to your home. For added nutrients, add a little compost. Without adequate water, light, or nutrients, your plant may experience stunting. Fenestrations are far more common on Monstera peru leaves and will even appear on a young plant, whereas fenestrations extending from the mid-rib will generally only appear on mature Monstera siltepecana plants. In circumstances where youre dealing with an overwatered Monstera Siltepecana, your best port of call is to repot your plant into fresh, uninfected soil, cutting away damaged roots and providing it with less water and plenty of light until it recovers. From here on out, its just a waiting game. On the other hand, Peru has a dark, forest green hue. Monstera Siltepecana costs about $25 while Monstera Peru goes for double the amount at $50 (get the current prices on Amazon here). As they reach full maturity, their leaves darken to rich green, become wider, and develop fenestrations, usually from their center vein outward. Most plants of this species will do well in an east-facing window. If it is under watered, you may notice that the leaves have crispy edges, or that the soil is dry and compacted. Pale, faded leaves can be a sign that your plant is receiving too much sunlight and can sometimes be accompanied by scorched or sun-bleached spots on the leaves. Siltepecana does not produce fruit, but some Peru varieties do. The Monstera Siltepecana is a species of plant in the genus Monstera. Its care differs from other monstera species, so make sure you know how to keep it happy. The Silver Monstera can be purchased from garden centers and nurseries or specialized online suppliers. These silvery beauties are perfect for draping, hanging, and trailing and look breathtaking on shelves and trellises that are safely out of reach of unknowing plant-munchers. The main difference between the Monstera Siltepecana and Peru is their leaves. Move over monstera deliciosathe monstera Peru (Monstera karstenianum) is climbing in popularity among houseplant lovers thanks to its unique foliage and ease of care. The Monstera Peru is a species of flowering plant that is native to Peru. You wouldnt be the first person to confuse the Monstera Siltepecana vs Peru, although they are different plants that both happen to fall in the Monstera genus. The Monstera Peru is native to Peru. A top-quality potting mix turned with some perlite will ensure that your soil retains moisture while allowing for adequate air circulation between the roots. To tell apart Monstera 'Peru' vs siltepecana, consider the following: 'Peru' has more rounded foliage and the leaf veins are more deeply grooved. These create inflorescence. How to Propagate Monstera Deliciosa in 5 Easy Steps, How to Grow and Care for Pilea Involucrata (Friendship Plant), 22 Indoor Vining Plants That'll Look Great in Your Home, How to Grow and Care for Monstera Pinnatipartita, How to Grow and Care for Alocasia Pink Dragon, How to Grow and Care for Monstera Standleyana Albo, How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Xanadu, How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Oxapapense, How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Squamiferum, How to Grow and Care for Ctenanthe (Never Never Plant), How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Birkin, How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Mayoi. She has over 30 years of experience in gardening and sustainable farming. Monstera Siltepecana typically has dark green leaves with white or pale green stripes running along the veins. It does really well on a moss pole or on a trellis that it can attach too and climb. Are you meeting giving your Monstera the light it needs with a minimum of six hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day? Are Monstera Siltepecana and El Salvador the same? Ilse De Meern. She founded Gaia's Farm and Gardens,aworking sustainable permaculture farm, and writes for Gaia Grows, a local newspaper column. Indeed, these silvery beauties are tropical plants endemic to the jungle areas of Mexico and Central America that have adapted to negotiate a very specific environment. For energy, your Monstera should be placed in a spot where it receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight daily. While they are not the same plant, they do look similar. Whichever you choose, youre sure to have a beautiful, unique plant for your home. The Monstera Peru is a climbing plant that can grow up to 30 feet tall. Pumice and perlite are good for moisture retention, as well as for preventing clumping. This article may contain affiliate links. If it sits in wet soil for too long, it is likely to develop dangerous root rot. The Monstera Siltepecana is a climbing plant, whereas the Monstera Peru is a non-climbing plant. Below is a more detailed explanation of the difference between the two. Similar varieties and plants. All Monsteras propagate well, but the Monstera Siltepecana is especially rewarding. As it grows, your plant will also start developing aerial roots. The Monstera Siltepecana is a climbing plant, whereas the Monstera Peru is a non-climbing plant. Supermooie monstera variegata stek met een groot blad en twee luchtwortels. As it grows bigger and matures, its leaves become dark green and fenestrated, giving away its Monstera heritage. Monstera Siltepecana typically grows to be about 20 feet tall while Monstera Peru only grows to be about 10 feet tall. A good mixture for a Monstera Siltepecana is a combination of high-grade potting soil and perlite, turned with chunks of nutrient-rich, moisture-retaining matter like bark or moss. What is the difference between monstera siltepecana and el Salvador . Monstera Siltepecana Review | 1.5 Years Later | Is it an easy silver folliage houseplant? It takes between two and three years to reach full maturity once it begins climbing. 20,00 11 apr. It is a climbing plant that can grow up to 20 feet tall. In other words, its best to propagate from more mature plants that have excess foliage to spare. Then, place your plant in its new container, spreading out the roots as much as possible. However, the Peru is considered to be the true Monstera plant. Looking to add a monstera Peru to your houseplant collection? When young it resembles monstera pinnatipartita but once mature its leaves become rounder and wider. Monstera siltepecanas leaves often change color as they grow, progressing from a deep green to a silver-grayish shade as they mature. If youre a fan of Monstera plants, youve probably come across both the Siltepecana and Peru varieties. This rare monstera is surprisingly easy to grow indoors. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. We participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates program, and affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites. Unfortunately, similar to its cousins in the monstera genus, the monstera Peru is considered toxic to dogs and cats. The leaves of the Monstera Siltepecana are dark green and have deeply cut lobes. Thats how I like it when its done. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and budget. So, whats the difference between these two plants? Ideally, Monstera cuttings will have a few nodes and leaves, but one or two will also suffice. First, the monstera siltepecana has a silvery sheen to its leaves (hence its common name "silver monstera") while the leaves of the monstera Peru are a dark green color. Monstera siltepecana. Regardless, you are unlikely to see flowers in Monstera houseplants, as they are incredibly uncommon outside of the wild. Prepare a container with fresh water to pop your cuttings into so they arent exposed to the air for too long. Philodendron grazielae Care, Propagation and Prices, Monstera Siltepecana vs. Peru: At a Glance, Monstera Siltepecana vs. Peru: Key Differences, Monstera Siltepecana vs. Peru: 7 Similarities. The leaves of a mature Monstera Peru are smooth and glossy; they look like a plastic plant. Main Differences to Identify Them Correctly. Finally, the flowers of Monstera Siltepecana are white, while the flowers of Monstera Peru are yellow. 3. The monstera peru is smaller by comparison with more of a round-shape leaf that itself only reaches about 12 inches in length and half the width of monstera siltepecana. When you water your Silver Monstera, make sure to give it a thorough soaking. Its good practice to inspect your houseplants often, at least once every two weeks, to make sure there is no distress developing. These plants are so rare because they can be tricky to care for and propagate. Its not commonly eaten but still edible and tastes like a mix of pineapple and banana. Many a mislabeled Monstera has ended up in an enthusiasts collection only to leave them with questions of origin. As a tropical plant, Monstera siltepecana needs to be watered whenever its soil loses its moisture. Don't over-pot, don't overwater, give it medium light and it'll love you. Apply the fertilizer once every 3 to 4 weeks during watering. The key difference lies in its leaves. Both are beautiful, luscious plants that make a great addition to any home. Symptoms of ingestion (by pets and children alike) may include swelling and irritation of the eyes, lips, and throat and excessive drooling. Small leathery folding leaves that shine when exposed to light. Thickness: The leaves of Monstera Peru are much thicker than those of the siltepecana. Gently lift your plant out from its present container. Privacy Policy. Additionally, the leaves of Monstera Siltepecana are more deeply lobed than the leaves of Monstera Peru. Watering once per week is considered a good measure. The answer is here.. Monstera plants are known for their beautiful split leaves, but why do their leaves develop this unique signature feature in the first place? Its not safe to assume that similar plants will have the exact same needs! So, which one should you choose? To keep your Monstera Siltepecana happy, all you need to do is ensure that it is living in an optimal growing environment. Instead, repotting gives your plant a greater chance to thrive. Read our. The potting mix should include chunky bits like pumice, perlite, and so on, as well as some bark pieces. So, which Monstera plant is right for you? Unveiling The Truth. If you buy something using the retail links in our articles, sometimes we earn a small. The Monstera siltepecana and Peru are both climbing plants that work well in a hanging basket or around a trellis. Monstera Siltepecana vs. Peru: Which Climbing Plant Is Better? So, if youre looking for a fast-growing Monstera plant, the Siltepecana variety is a great option. Some may choose to add sphagnum moss to promote improved humidity. The Siltepecana also has smaller leaves, and the fenestrations on its leaves are more pronounced. As an epiphyte, the monstera peru does best in rich, airy, well-draining soil. There are several reasons why people cant tell the difference between Monstera Siltepecana and Monstera Per. Keep your container close to bright indirect light, turning it occasionally so that your plant receives sun energy from all angles. The Siltepecana is a climbing plant that can reach up to 20 feet in height. 4. If youre exposing it to direct light, make sure its the morning sun rather than the harsh rays of the afternoon. The signs and symptoms of overwatering and underwatering present in much the same way, although slight differences can be observed with close attention. This is because they are trying to access the sun through the canopy above them. They also share some physical similarities, such as their large leaves and their climbing habits. Overwatering on . Later at maturity, it might be hard to tell it apart from its cousin Monstera Peru. By appearance alone, there is little to distinguish the Monstera Siltepecana from its rare variety, the El Salvador, although there are marked differences in its growth behaviors. If the leaves of Monstera Peru turn yellow, it means the humidity is not enough. Kathleen Miller is a highly-regarded Master Gardener and Horticulturist who shares her knowledge of sustainable living, organic gardening, farming, and landscape design. If youre ever unsure about which plant you have, the best thing to do is to consult a professional. 12 cm; Sansevieria don. Bij aankoop zal ik de mospaal daar in N.p., n.d. It seems strange even to draw comparisons between these two plants of a different genus. Monstera Siltepecana vs Monstera Peruensis. Indeed, their roots need plenty of air circulation for optimal growth and health. Matuda. Pebble trays filled with water also prove useful when it comes to heightening humidity, so long as theyre not too close to your plants roots. If you prefer a more distinct leaf pattern, go for the Siltepecana. The Siltepecana also has smaller leaves, and the fenestrations on its leaves are more pronounced. Both Monstera Siltepecana and Monstera Peru have similar-looking blooms, but they are not technically flowers. Monstera Siltepecana have two very distinct growth phases. Sometimes called Monstera karstenianum (which doesn't appear to be an accepted species . Its aerial roots will attach of their own volition, and with ideal growing conditions, youre very likely to see fast, vigorous expansion. It is much rarer than the Siltepecana and as such, is significantly more expensive. It begins climbing deeply Cut lobes long, it is watered again make sure you know how to keep Monstera! That can grow up to 20 feet in height flowers are small and,... East-Facing window shade as they are trying to access the sun through the canopy above them plants... For and propagate its Monstera heritage main difference between the roots as much possible. About which plant you have your tools and workspace ready, you can identify a portion of your in... 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