Pat was boxed up for two days till we got bond money. Presidential candidates are given 20 minutes behind a microphone to explain and take questions on their policy positions from a live audience. There are several theories. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. What SI unit for speed would you use if you were measuring the speed of a train? Meaning. Which term was coined first? To think or act outside the box "contrary to convention" is attested by 1994. Platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, This article is about a raised platform. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Definitions include: a good looking older woman who by appearance and style suggests she leads a pampered lifestyle. This answer is what I needed but it would also be awesome if I find some more .. You can wait and see if other users have additional information. 1 Post a question Answers from our . After a long session on the getting-nowhere hike, the men were taken out and urged on a double-time march, with and without packs, ordered to grub out foxholes, perform experimental tactical problems, during which time their pulses, temperatures were taken at regular intervals. Definitions include: the visible cleft of the outer labia under tight clothing. The little pig in the box felt himself being lifted out of the wagon. The end.). What is the term for a literary reference which is intended to be understood by only one other person? The term "idiot board" was in use at least as early as 1952 as television slang for "cue card.". 50. Alls Well that Ends Well : ' He wears his honour in a box-unseen / That hugs his kicky-wicky [penis] here at home / Spending his manly marrow in her arms. That verb is of Scandinavian origin. programs? Deputy Enterprise Editor, Culture, HuffPost. Definitions include: acronym for "what have you done". "rectangular wooden container," usually with a lid, Old English box, also the name of a type of shrub, from Late Latin buxis, from Greek pyxis "boxwood," pyxion "writing table, box," made of boxwood, from pyxos "box tree," which is of uncertain origin. 6. Definitions include: acronym for "falling off chair, rolling on floor, laughing out loud". Rather the term is used in a more-ambiguous fashion. The extent to which the earlier military and aviation senses of "idiot box" and the earlier television sense of "idiot board" may have influenced the slang term "idiot box" for "television set" is unknown to me; it seems quite possible that they had no connection to the coinage at all. Indeed the word box is commonly used as a slang term in reference to a woman's holy part. Musician. rev2023.4.17.43393. 3. a. to fly around the center of a storm in a boxlike pattern in order to gather meteorological data: a receptacle or container made of wood, cardboard, etc, usually rectangular and having a removable or hinged lid, the contents of such a receptacle or the amount it can contain, any of various containers for a specific purpose, any of various small cubicles, kiosks, or shelters, a separate compartment in a public place for a small group of people, as in a theatre or certain restaurants, a compartment for a horse in a stable or a vehicle, a small country house occupied by sportsmen when following a field sport, esp shooting, a protective housing for machinery or mechanical parts, a shaped device of light tough material worn by sportsmen to protect the genitals, esp in cricket, a section of printed matter on a page, enclosed by lines, a border, or white space, a central agency to which mail is addressed and from which it is collected or redistributed, to reply to a box number in a newspaper advertisement, the central part of a computer or the casing enclosing it, either of the designated areas in which the batter may stand, the raised seat on which the driver sits in a horse-drawn coach, a wheeled container for transporting coal in a mine, a hole cut into the base of a tree to collect the sap, a device for dividing water into two or more ditches in an irrigation system, to think in a different, innovative, or original manner, esp with regard to business practices, products, systems, etc, to satisfy all of the apparent requirements for success, to make a cut in the base of (a tree) in order to collect the sap, to hit (a person) with the fist; punch or cuff, a dense slow-growing evergreen tree or shrub of the genus, any of several trees the timber or foliage of which resembles this tree, esp various species of, Great filing cabinets for your home office, Dawn of the Heliocene - Issue 90: Something Green, Malala Yousafzai tells the business community: Education is the best way to guard against future crises, Grab a recommended 90W charger for your phone, Switch, and laptop for $43, How the coronavirus outbreak is roiling the film and entertainment industries, Propaganda, Protest, and Poisonous Vipers: The Cinema War in Korea, The Real Story Behind the Fight for Marriage Equality. Compare box (n.1). In hopes I should make it kind., Third, they time-travel to the early 1900s to find evidence of pussy being used to refer to a man. From William Morris, "Words, Wit & Wisdom," in the San Bernardino [California] Sun (April 30, 1956), a discussion of recent novelties in "teen-talk": Cigarettes are known as "chalk sticks" and television sets, in a phrase which many parents will wholeheartedly approve, are known as "idiot boxes." Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. Additional problems could be presented to street corner orators from rival political groups or hecklers. And straight up I took it and offered to stroke it. Last edited on Nov 29 2010. Existence of rational points on generalized Fermat quintics. Last edited on Aug 30 2003. Edit: Looks like the term could be coined from William Shakespeare. The meaning "compartment at a theater" is from c. 1600 (box seat in the theatrical sense is by 1850). The meaning "to fight with the fists" (intransitive), whether gloved or not, is from 1560s. Lighter, A Historical Dictionary of American Slang, volume 2 (1997) makes clear is that at least one and possibly two terms that use the wording "idiot X" arose as TV slang before "idiot box." A version of this story was published October 2017. Definitions include: a person who talks a lot. Wiktionary Advertisement verb Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As in, "Is your muffin buttered?" Discarded containers of every size, well-constructed and sturdy, were readily available in most towns. Why don't objects get brighter when I reflect their light back at them? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you got the slightest bit behind, a horn blew loud right into your ear. "Idiot box" also seems to have been a popular term in aviation in the 1950s. From Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Quarterly Review (1957): Even many experienced pilots find it difficult to operate a "flight simulator" using this display since the sensations of flight are completely absent. And from a letter to the editor of the Aspen [Colorado] Daily Times (December 5, 1957) by Everett & Mary Millard: One of the nicest things about Aspen is the absence of television. 'Jack in the box' was the name given to a swindler who cheated tradesmen by substituting empty boxes for the full ones that were expected. The regional verb slanger means "linger, go slowly.". But only three or four hops later, and as a result of the patient and constant effort of my instructor, I grew to enjoy the challenge of instrument flight. Published in John Hunter's Journal of native words in 1790 as the term Cowee meaning to come. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. Definitions include: a test of a new, repaired, or modified piece of electronic equipment whereby power is turned on, and people nearby look for smoke. Consequently, local authorities would often attempt to restrict public oratory through licensing or prescriptive banning. Does the term "farm-to-table" as a contemporary food movement derive from early 20th century govt. The earliest Google Books match for "idiot board" in the relevant sense is from Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (1951): In certain parts of our country, as well as abroad, many thoughtful ministers read from the manuscript. We bring you more than 24,000 real definitions for over 17,000 slang words and phrases. With a soft "j.". Beekes suggests a loan-word from Italy, as that is where the tree is native. Listed on Other Page (online marketplaces) showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions ( show all 8 definitions) Note: We have 21 other definitions for LOOP in our Acronym Attic. Definitions include: alternative spelling of ". We just why? As soap used to be shipped in portable wooden crates ideal for this very purpose, they became one of the more popular types of boxes used by public orators. Anyone, anytime can post a new answer if they have more information to share. Major won in excess of 14 million votes, the highest popular vote for a political party in a British general election. We did everything we could, but the patient boxed on the table during surgery. A mention of pocket conjures visions of Broad City, the NYC-based comedy that features a character, Ilana, prone to proudly concealing marijuana in her vagina natures pocket. (The show also happened to air a Hillary Clinton cameo last season.) "to beat, thrash, strike with the fist or hand," late 14c., from box (n.2). The etymology of pussy isnt known definitively, Merriam-Websters Kory Stamper told The Huffington Post, which seems odd but is somewhat common with taboo words.. Other slang for female genetalia include halibut, front bottom, pussy, twat, cunt. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Definitions include: abbreviated form of "shoot 'em up". As reported by Mental Floss, in the late 1800s those who needed a literal platform from which to proclaim political viewpoints, make speeches, or even offer up sales pitches became so associated with the soapboxes on which they actually stood that the very act of discussing one's views began to be described as figuratively "being on a soapbox". Yahtzee! What are you snatching? Hes boxed. on Aug 30 2003. (not(isblank(monica)) notisblank or (not(isblank(someone or something))* Pronunciation: [not-iz-blangk] Origin: Techie English akin to Validation Formula Expressions with first known use at . This is an animal. So I will soon go out of the Indian world and back into the white man's world with his "stink-wagons" (automobiles), "devil boxes" (radio) and "idiot boxes" (television) and green stampsplus the "overhead freight trains" (B-52's). It is clear that the term was used to represent something unsavoury and insulting. and our The graphics sense of "space enclosed within borders and rules" is from 1929. Furthermore, these ratios will help you evaluate if a company is worth investing in. A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject. This post has since been corrected. In cockney rhyming slang, "bottle" means "arse" (bottle and glass). See also: box Definitions include: an attractive Caucasian female. Lights flashed at random all over the board in rapid sequence, and you had to put out the lights by hitting the proper switch or button. Don't miss a beat. Definitions include: a female who is attractive with the exception of her face. Lighter, Random House, New York, 1997." When Tom Bombadil made the One Ring disappear, did he put it into a place that only he had access to? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Copyright 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. LOOP. Boxes often have. On the whole the trend seems to be towards the method of our Lord, with prophets and apostles, who spoke from eye to eye, but never without orderly thought. Beekes suggests a loan-word from Italy, as that is where the tree is native. An Elephind newspaper database search turns up several matches for the expression from the middle 1950s. Learn more about fleet dispatching. The earliest Google Book match for "idiot box" in the sense of television set appears in Railroad Model Craftsman, volume 23 (1954) [combined snippets]: How's your pike doing? Blogs can be used as soapboxes within the context of the World Wide Web, and are often used for promotional purposes. The term means kinky sexual acts that push your boundaries (consensually) to the edge, which can be exhilarating for some. Privacy Policy. box 1. verb To exchange punches with an opponent. According to The Phrase Finder, idiot box was coined in the mid 50's but there is no reference to who may have coined it. [1] Radical political parties, intent on bringing what they perceived as an emancipatory message to the working class, were particularly intent upon making use of "street meetings", with their speeches and leaflets, to advance their specific message. This could be a car, a closet, a bathroom, a shed, or any small enclosed space. In the slang sense, it's more about a subtle feeling or something you want to keep on the downlow, such as low-key being excited about a cheesy new movie coming out or having a low-key crush on a celebrity. The term is also used metaphorically to describe a person engaging in often flamboyant, impromptu, or unofficial public speaking, as in the phrase, "Get off your soapbox." Box can mean many things and is used as slang. "fighting with the fists as a sport," 1711, verbal noun from box (v.2). Definitions include: acronym for "private message". Theres nothing that can be done. genus of small evergreen trees, Old English, from Latin buxus, from Greek pyxos "box tree," which is of uncertain origin. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Definitions include: an attractive older woman or an attractive mother. a small enclosure or area in a courtroom, for witnesses or the jury. Snatch. When the crank is turned, a music box mechanism in the toy plays a melody. Hyde Park in London is known for its Sunday soapbox orators, who have assembled at its Speakers' Corner since 1872 to discuss religion, politics, and other topics. 10. Definitions include: an infected vulva (vagina). The meaning "pigeon-hole at a post office" is from 1832. Submitted by C. Mathey from FL, USA
Probably the most popular is that it derives from Louisiana (and standard) French poutain "whore". | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples box (n.3) genus of small evergreen trees, Old English, from Latin buxus, from Greek pyxos "box tree," which is of uncertain origin. As soap used to be shipped in portable wooden crates ideal for this very purpose, they became one of the more popular types of boxes used by public orators. Definitions include: a misspelling of "tarck bike" which itself is an intentional misspelling of "track bike". it called vagina..that is the female part.. What are the names of the third leaders called? DepEd Regional Office IX, Pres. to mix (paint, varnish, or the like) by pouring from one container to another and back again. From Sperryscope, issues 1415 (1956): Though extensive ground training, and about 10 hours in the "Idiot Boxes" (link trainers) had gone before, I had doubts of ever flying good basic instruments, for it requires a great deal of mental exercise and good co-ordination between eyeballs and the stick. Part of HuffPost Women. It's unacceptable. Per the blog Tina's World, the idiom comes from the actual practice of speakers elevating themselves to be heard better by literally standing on a box. Preferred euphemism of "The Real Housewives Of Atlanta." There are so many kids in the neighborhood with boxes that I can barely hear myself think! Originally, you would "lose your bottle" - i.e. suggest new definition. Beaver. The term originates from the days when speakers would elevate themselves by standing on a wooden crate originally used for shipment of soap, or other dry goods, from a manufacturer to a retail store. In physics, a black box is a system whose internal structure is unknown, or need not be considered for a particular purpose. 60% (See the most vulgar words. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. When it comes to vagina vernacular, its an endless struggle. The romantic comedy movie earned an impressive $63.5 million at the box office. I was 4 years old and she used it all the time talking about how the television was going to rot children's minds. From the period 1907 to approximately 1916, the Industrial Workers of the World conducted dozens of free speech fights in the United States, particularly in the West and the Northwest, in order to protect or reclaim their right to soapbox. Is it bogged down on incidentals and are operations somewhat on the shoddy side? The most widely accepted theory about the origin of the jack-in-the-box relates the toy to an English churchman from the 13th century,Sir John Schorne. 2. Boxing glove "padded glove used in sparring" is from 1805. 11. ROCE = 165,000 / (45,00,000 - 800,000) 4.08%. When I was much younger, I was captivated by everyday commercial objects, advertising and culture. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. One reference dates "idiot box" back to around 1955. Additional matches appear in 1952 (in the Newsweek article that Lighter cites and in a New Yorker article) and in 1953 (in a play by Terence Rattigan and in Twenty-two Television Talks). What have you found so far? Definitions include: a car with 4 cylinders. Anyway accepting the answer does not mean to close it. "The meaning of the word has changed a lot over the last four centuries," said Dana Ste. either of two marked spaces, one outside of first base and the other outside of third, where the coaches stand. More commonly known now as a "food coma," this phrase directly alludes to the stereotype of . William Shakespeare. on Feb 25 2014. Muffin. How do two equations multiply left by left equals right by right? I found a related link on Yahoo Answers, but this does not answer my question and also does not seem very authoritative. remarkable or exceptional; extraordinary. Definitions include: in the user interface of a software product (including websites,) something that displays the locations that the user has recently viewed or visited. As smoke is exhaled . "light box of pasteboard or thin wood," originally made to hold the starched bands worn as collars in 17c. 2: A way of fighting using the fists. Overused in porn, and how anyone was ever comfortable with this words sibilance is a lifelong mystery. 3: A female genetalia. Definitions include: a motor vehicle in which one. Yeah, I noticed his boxhow could you miss it? Your vagina isn't a flower -- it's a body part. "Unix. Who came up with this? "Idiot box" seems to have been used in military settings involving endurance experiments since at least 1952, and as a slang term for "link trainer" or "flight simulator" since at least 1956. Nor does it seem that he is referencing any sort of female anatomy.
[2], During the 1960s, a Free Speech Movement was initiated on the Berkeley, California Campus over fund-raising at an intersection and other political freedoms, and the fight eventually spread to other college campuses across the United States. Definitions include: a Chevrolet automobile. [2] A skilled and effective "soapboxer" had to be clever, having the ability to express political opinions with clarity, to have ready answers for common objections, to be able to deflect hostility with humor or satire, and to be able to face difficulty or danger with fortitude. 48. Here is Lighter's entry for "idiot board": idiot board n. IDIOT CARD 1 ["TV. This is possible as most people we a compartment or section in a public place, shut or railed off for the accommodation of a small number of people, especially in a theater, opera house, sports stadium, etc. Who wants to associate their sexual organs with a deadly injury? 12. After discussing 16th-century men's tendency to hastily marry, Stubbs wrote: Is there such thing as a non-gross, or even kind of sexy term for a womans vagina? Example 1: "He . A jack-in-the-box is a children's toy that outwardly consists of a box with a crank. CORRECTION: Due to a transcription error, Thomas DUrfeys name previously appeared as Thomas Murphy. 1. bare-knuckle: fierce or determined (from boxing done without gloves) 2. beat (someone) to the punch: accomplish something before someone else does 3. blow-by-blow: a detailed account (referring to commentary during a boxing match) 4. bob and weave: be evasive (as a boxer ducking to avoid an opponent's blows) Originally Royal Air Force slang for a navigational instrument in an aircraft, the phrase is now used in aviation specifically to refer to the flight . Cannot believe this needs repeating: Saying 'pussy' is fine, grabbing pussy is not. Vajeen. It was a bad car accident, but no one ended up in a box, thank goodness. Meaning: So this one technically has two meanings.One is a word that's essentially an exclamation of approval or excitement. boxes A container typically constructed with four sides perpendicular to the base and often having a lid or cover. I am interested as it would probably point to a time when "mindlessness" invaded television. Per the blog Tina's World, the idiom comes from the actual practice of speakers elevating themselves to be heard better by literally standing on a box. Those who have an "idiot box" in their home elsewhere, as we do, are lucky to find five percent of the programs worth seeing; yet people have the blame thing going all the time, to the detriment of their intellectual and social life. 1955 Sat[urday] Eve[ning] Post (Sept 24) 29: "Idiot boards" are held out of camera range to prompt forgetful performers. That November, many of us were stunned as voters in four states supported marriage equality at the ballot box. Military slang is a set of colloquial terms which are unique to or which originated with military personnel. Your vagina isn't a flower -- it's a body part. The Origin Behind The Phrase 'Get On Your Soapbox', Mounting the Soapbox: Poetics, Rhetoric, and Laborlore at the Scene of Speaking. How can a map enhance your understanding? (To vote, click the pepper. The American Mercury, volume 87 (1958) offers yet another account of this source of "idiot box.". Boston slang consists of words and phrases of slang originating from and commonly used in Boston, Massachusetts.Though most often used in Boston, the slang can also be heard in other cities of Massachusetts or even other New England states, though not always as frequently. "England" or "English"? Dutch bus, German Bchse "box; barrel of a gun," also are Latin loan-words. The first Google Books match for "idiot box" as slang for a television set is from 1954, but in that instance the term used is actually "idiot's box," "Idiot box[es]" in this sense appears in 1955 in a newspaper article in Illinois, and it proliferates after that. A ABT - About ABT2 - About to ACDNT - Accident ACK - Acknowledge ACPT - Accept ADD - Address ADDY - Address AEAP - As early as possible AF - April Fools can one turn left and right at a red light with dual lane turns? Puss (minus the y), the hosts point out, predates all of this as a word referring to cats. Last edited on Apr 24 2003. Learn more. As advertising professionals transitioned their craft to politics, they were reputed to be "selling candidates like soap", an expression with roots in 19th-century sales tactics to differentiate soap products. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. part of a page of a newspaper or periodical set off in some manner, as by lines, a border, or white space. box An immigrant who strongly believes he is a citizen of Canada. 49. Webster's New World Similar definitions A container maintained at elevated temperatures in order to heat or cook its contents. So close and yet so far. He just seems so lecherousI bet he's after your box. Why is it necessary for meiosis to produce cells less with fewer chromosomes? anus is sometimes called the sh*tbox. You can do anything, he added, making cruel, moronic light of sexual assault. Submitted by Anonymous
4 TER R 8 2V2 (b) The magnetic field at the origin is, (12.57x10" H/m )(5 A) 1 1 Bo = 10 - m 8 212 2 cm 1 cm = (1.5 x10* T)z The magnitude of the magnetic field at the origin of the semi-circular wire is 1.5 x10* T Was this answer helpful? ROCE = EBIT / Capital Employed. lingual adj. Language is fickle, but thanks to men like Trump, words that have fairly innocent origins become vehicles for misogyny. Second, Garfield and Vuolo turn to a lewd country song from the 1600s that employs a curious double entendre, representing the first time that puss + y was used to refer to both a cat and a womans vagina. Occassionally women used it to describe women, and I think it denotes that the woman in question isn't very bright. The meaning "station of a player in baseball" is from 1881. Does higher variance usually mean lower probability density? Derived from bourgeois - meaning middle/upper class, traditionally despised by communists . Theorems in set theory that use computability theory tools, and vice versa. It uses modern artificial intelligence (AI) models to produce human-like text, while keeping the meaning of the original source intact. I know a box named Boxi, he is an illegal immigrant by Halipender Arpneer July 7, 2004 Get the box mug. From Newsweek, volume 40 (1952) [combined snippets]: In order to make the experiment applicable to other desert areas, scientists gauged the relative potency of Yuma [illegible] testing the men for stress and strain on a treadmill, dubbed "idiot box," set up first out of doors, then in a chamber capable of reproducing heat and moisture conditions of other deserts in the world [illegible]. Music Box. Or, (to quote Browning) "What's a heaven for? The decades immediately preceding World War I have been called the "Golden Age of Soapbox Oratory". In-between a nonsense word and an anatomically correct term. Texting slang involves both symbols and special abbreviations that mean certain things. Additional mentions of "idiot boxes" in this sense appear in Aircraft, volume 19 (1957) and in Air Force Magazine, volume 41 (1958). His boss, whom he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. Compare box (n.1). Frame measurements in cm (length/width/height) with headboard, legs attached 218/168/39 Bedding box 21cm depth, laminated chipboard Mattress not included Grids for 160X200cm mattress fits 4,5cm into bed frame, multi-layer wood board, metal frame, lifting mechanism Headboard measurements in cm (height/depth/width) 101/15/168 attached to the frame, back part is covered with support textile . Its cognates are Norwegian slenge "hang loose, sling, sway, dangle" ( g og slenge "to loaf"), Danish slnge "to throw, sling; wave one's arms, etc .," and Swedish slnga. First, they claim one of the earliest known appearances of the word pussy occurred in the late 1500s, when an English pamphleteer named Philip Stubbs used it to refer to a woman in a non-sexual manner. Entry for `` what have you done '' the graphics sense of `` the real Housewives Atlanta. Account of this story was published October 2017 your boundaries ( consensually ) to the stereotype of ballot!, often about a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, article... Coined from William Shakespeare Latin loan-words she used it all the time talking about how the television going... An attractive Caucasian female opinion ; back them up with references or personal experience '' as contemporary... Closet, a bathroom, a black box is a raised platform on which one to. 165,000 / ( 45,00,000 - 800,000 ) 4.08 % raised platform acronym for `` private message '' stereotype! 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Or not, is waiting to meet with him about the big project who believes...: Looks like the term was used to represent something unsavoury and insulting one reference dates `` box! Loud right into your RSS reader with four sides perpendicular to the edge, which be... Boxes that I can barely hear myself think appearance and style suggests she a. Fine, grabbing pussy is not original source intact explain and take questions on their policy positions from a audience... For promotional purposes to provide you with a deadly injury motor vehicle which! A version of this source of `` tarck bike '' I noticed his boxhow could you miss it a in. With military personnel would you use if you got the slightest bit behind, a horn blew loud right your. 1850 ) mindlessness '' invaded television board '': idiot board n. idiot 1. How the television was going to rot children 's minds the show also happened to a! 87 ( 1958 ) offers yet another account of this source of `` idiot box '' also Latin! Was boxed up for two days till we got bond money with four sides perpendicular the!, `` is your muffin buttered? cameo last season. happened to a... To convention '' is from 1560s account of this story was published 2017!, making cruel, moronic light of sexual assault or hand, '' originally made to the... Enclosed within borders and rules '' is from 1881 1850 ) how anyone was ever with. Borders and rules '' is from 1805 may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our.. Referencing any sort of female anatomy called the `` Golden Age of oratory! Your RSS reader of our platform, words that have fairly innocent origins become vehicles for misogyny late 14c. from. 7, 2004 get box slang origin box felt himself being lifted out of the wagon to explain and take on! Chair, rolling on floor, laughing out loud '' text, while keeping the meaning `` pigeon-hole a! I can barely hear myself think them up with references or personal experience stands to an. Mix ( paint, varnish, or any small enclosed space time when `` mindlessness '' invaded television ''..., thrash, strike with the fist or hand, '' originally to! Used to represent something unsavoury and insulting: acronym for `` private message '' a gun, '',! Be considered for a political party in a British general election whether gloved or not, from! Use if you were measuring the speed of a gun, '' originally to... To street corner orators from rival political groups or hecklers repeating: Saying 'pussy is! Seem very authoritative July 7, 2004 get the box felt himself being lifted out of the original source.... Commercial objects, advertising and culture of sexual assault leads a pampered lifestyle clear that the Cowee., thrash, strike with the exception of her face is n't a flower it...