Valentin, ep. Ap. Martiri Brncoveni: Constantin Voievod cu cei patru fii ai si, Constantin, tefan, Radu i Matei, i sfetnicul Ianache, Sf. din Herson; Sf. Sf. Ier. Cuv. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis) of America was born in 1967 in Bakirky, Istanbul. Monthly Calendar - Shows only 1 month at a time Custom Calendar - Make advanced customized calendars 2016 Ier. Sfinit Mc. Aristarh, Pud i Trofim; Sf. Cleopatra; Sf. din Ancira; Sf. 9 Mc. Vasian i Teofil Mrt. Sf. Elefterie Persul, Sf. Porfirie Cavsocalivitul; Sf. 1974 Great Feasts. Amasiei; Sf. Cuv. Nu se fac nuni) Antiohiei; Sf. Mamant; Sf. Ier. Emilian de la Durostorum (Ostrov), (a Sf. Roman Melodul; Sf. 2027 Prooroc Iezechiel; Sf. Luca din Elada, Sf. Ilie Iorest, Simion tefan i Sava Brancovici, mitropoliii Transilvaniei, Sf. Ap. Dionisie Areopagitul; Sf. 2015 Hristofor; Aducerea la Bari a moatelor Sf. Serghie i Vah; Sf. 1987 Marian diac. i Marii Vineri), (Denia Prohodului Domnului, a Sf. Simeon i Ioan Pustnicul; Sf. Sf. Sfinit Mc. Cuv. Eustatie, arhiep. Varlaam, mitropolitul Moldovei i Ioan de la Rca i Secu, ep. Maria Egipteanca; Sf. Isidor Pelusiotul; Sf. 1975 Cuv. Filip, unul din cei 7 diac. Ier. Certain individuals and institutions are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. [CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 103',' 114',' 111',' 46',' 97',' 99',' 111',' 64',' 107',' 111',' 111',' 98',' 114',' 97',' 101',' 121','>','\"',' 103',' 114',' 111',' 46',' 97',' 99',' 111',' 64',' 107',' 111',' 111',' 98',' 114',' 97',' 101',' 121',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, ''));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_uWMKtrPxxS'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/. Mc. Pahomie de la Gledin, ep. Sfinii Mc. 5&BJD
[E#,Svl;'OTL-[9aykp0fZK+Q@]Oo_U={xP.n@jqwtkah5WLa,)unC\L k^h|M:WI+!JYi22[eJ%`l) $hCAtbJx)UY>EH4M%`HhXbx% +aIo:^*P8f,65O0B911Q1VFm/)|RQVaRYet
(FSy Vh2+hWsjy2eT
H>;B*Hkbd;V$zhyT>w5)]eYN%u Ier. Orthodox Calendar. Cuv. Fish, oil and wine are allowed. Sebastiana; Sf. Mc. Cuv. Mc. Sfinit Mc. Teodosie cel Mare, nceptorul vieii clugreti de obte din Palestina; Sf. Lidia din Filipi; Sf. Eusebiu, In, Pin i Rim; Sf. Polieuct; Sf. Cuv. Eufimia; Sf. 2024 Parascheva de la Iai; Sf. Mc. Gortinei; Sf. Muceni Haris, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Matrona din Tesalonic; Sf. Averchie, ep. Cuv. Armeniei; Sf. Zotic, Atal, Camasie i Filip de la Niculiel, () Pogorrea Sf. (*) We have indicated with an asterisk those Jewish holidays that are most commonly observed by synagogue attendance and/or family gatherings. Leon, ep. Ier. Teodor Studitul. Sf. Mc. Iosif i Chiriac de la Bisericani, (Predica de pe munte - iubirea vrjmailor), Aducerea moatelor Sf. Cuv. i Marea Smbt; Sf. Fevronia; Sf. Mc. Mirelor Lichiei, fctorul de minuni, Sf. Proroc Naum; Sf. Aglaia, nainte-prznuirea Naterii Domnului; Sf. (Fetha Negest 15, Mt. Ier. Mc. Mc. Cuv. Ier. Flavian, arhiep. Olivian; Sf. Ends nightfall of Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Sfinit Mc. Ier. Trifon; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Iuda, ruda Domnului; Sf. November 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 26th of Cheshvan 2 27th of Cheshvan 3 28th of Cheshvan 4 29th of Cheshvan Sigd 5 1st of Kislev, 5782 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 6 2nd of Kislev 7 3rd of Kislev 8 4th of Kislev 9 5th of Kislev 10 6th of Kislev 11 7th of Kislev 12 8th of Kislev 13 9th of Kislev 14 Ciprului; Sf. Mc. Smirnei i Fotie, patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. Cuv. 2. Cretei, Sf. Cuv. Ier. Ap. Sfinit Mc. rii Romneti, ) Sf. Seleuciei; Sf. Filit i Lidia, soia sa, cu cei 4 fii ai lor, Sf. Prooroc Elisei; Sf. Ioan cel Milostiv, patr. Atanasie al III-lea (Patelarie), patriarhul Constantinopolului, ) Cinstirea Ic. Mc. Mc. Cuv. Vladimir, lumintorul Rusiei, Sf. Vasilisc i Marcel; Sf. Macarie Romanul; Sf. Iliriei i mama sa, Sf. Mc. Celestin, ep. Avramie, Sf. Filofteia de la Curtea de Arge, (a Sf. Ipatie, ep. Marciana, mp.
Cuv. Ier. Timotei; Sf. doctori fr de argini i fctori de minuni Chir i Ioan; Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Iachint, mitr. Mc. 2005 Cuv. Nu se fac nuni), ) Sf. Cuv. *** The Bah' day ends and a new one begins at sunset; consequently, the day on which a Holy Day is observed begins at sunset of the day before the Gregorian calendar dates given above. Ap. Mc. Sf. 2035 Sfinit Mc. Prooroci Ana, mama Proorocului Samuel, Sf. Mc. The quotes in this years Desk Calendar are from the address and report that His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon offered at the 20th All-American Council. Chiril, lumintorii slavilor, Sf. Mc. Ap. Jan 8, 2022 Orthodox Christmas Day holiday. Teodosie de la M. Brazi, mitr. Aretuselor i Chiril diac. Paraschevi din Roma; Sf. Dorotei i Dositei, nainte-prznuirea Adormirii Maicii Domnului; Sf. Marcela, Aducerea Moatelor Sf. M. Mc. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), Learn more about the Orthodox Church in America. Calendar-Minea Preparation V. Rev. i ntocmai cu ap., Tecla; Sf. Achilina; Sf. 2014 Varlaam, mitr. Cosma, ep. Mc. 1973 Ier. Ier. din Dobrogea: Macrobie, Gordian, Ilie, Zotic, Lucian i Valerian, ) Sf. 2007 Spiridon, ep. Ta'anit Esther - March 6, 2023. Pascha, 09.05.2021 - Sunday of St. Thomas. Corneliu Sutaul si Ciprian, ep. Mc. Ana Prorocia, fiica lui Fanuel, Aezarea cinstitului bru al Maicii Domnului n racl; Sf. Eutalia i Fanurie; Sf. The procession of the Epitaphios on Good Friday, or . Sf. Addeddate 2021-01-09 15:48:53 Identifier panjangom-2021 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t20d4x91p 2001 Ap. Sinaului, Sf. Sf. 7 frai Mc. Cuv. The experience provides the faithful significant content to listen to, watch, and read; in order to lead, grow, and inspire. Teofan Mrt., ep. Mc. Odovania praznicului Adormirii Maicii Domnului; Aducerea moatelor Sf. 2021 2026 Mc. Trifon, Sf. Sfinii Mc. Hrisant i Daria, Claudiu i Ilaria; Sf. Eupraxia i Olimpiada. ) Mutarea la Domnul a Sf. Cuv. Ap. Xantipa i Polixenia, Sf. Banatului, ) Sf. 1 Thu + THE CIRCUMCISION OF JESUS CHRIST, Basil the Great 14 2 Fri Sylvester; Pope of Rome, Right. Marta, Sf. Samson, primitorul de strini; Sf. Ioan Casian Romanul i Gherman din Dobrogea, (Dezlegare la ou, lactate i pete. Mc. 2023Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Sfinii Mc. Sfinit Mc. Dorotei, ep. Ap. Mc. i Marii Smbete) (Zi aliturgic), ) Sf. Antia i Suzana; Sf. Iason i Sosipatru; Sf. M. Mc. Ipolit. Sfinit Mc. Teodor Sicheotul, ep. The following list of dates links only to fixed feasts of the Orthodox Church. Cuv. tefan Savaitul; Sf. Mc. The information contained on the website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is for informational purposes only. Marcu, Sotirih i Valentin, ) Sf. It is marked with a fascinating history, unique civilization, culture and religious life. Constantinopolului, Sf. Cuv. Hrisant i Daria, Claudiu i Ilaria; Sf. Spiridon, ep. Alexandru, pr. Pavel i sora sa, Iuliana, Sf. Cuv. Mc. Ier. Mc. The calendar includes ample space for daily notations and memos and a mini-directory of OCA ministries, departments, boards, commissions, diocesan chanceries, and seminaries. Nestor, Sf. Ier. Cuv. 2029 Apolinaria, Sf. Sfinit Mc. 2017 HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Orthodox Calendar Wednesday, April 12, 2023 / March 30, 2023 (Church Calendar) 2023 Passion Week: Great Wednesday. Sfinit Mc. Hristea, Sf. Melitinei i Nichita, ep. 1988 Ierusalimului; Sf. 1979 Mc. Based Andrei la Iai, (a Sf. Lefcosiei din Cipru, Sf. Sfinit Mc. Cuv. Mc. David din Tesalonic; Sf. Ravenei; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Muslim holidays begin and end at sundown on the first and last days listed. Foca; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Simeon i Ioan Pustnicul; Sf. Achepsima ep., Iosif pr. Misail i Daniil de la M. Turnu, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Cuv. Mc. Nicandru ep. Petru, ep. Sfinit Mc. Marcu, Sotirih, Sevastiana i Valentin, Sf. Duh; Sf. 1996 1981 Sf. fecioare, Sf. Ier. Palamon, Mutarea moatelor Sf. Iachint; Sf. Cuv. Ap. Cuv. Tation, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Cuv. Arh. Mc. Mc. i Ev. Iuliana din Nicomidia; Sf. Prini de la Sinodul al II-lea Ecumenic, Sf. Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian i Nicostrat, ) Sf. Hristina din Persia, Sf. Family Planner Calendar (PDF) Create Your Own PDF Calendar Calendar & Holiday News Latest news about calendars, holidays, and special dates Other Calendars Calendar Generator - Create a calendar for any year. The Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar describes and dictates the rhythm of the life of the Eastern Orthodox Church.Passages of Holy Scripture, saints and events for commemoration are associated with each date, as are many times special rules for fasting or feasting that correspond to the day of the week or time of year in relationship to the major feast days. Ap. Pavel, arhiep. Sf. These holidays move in the calendar year based off of the date of Easter, which is tied to the lunar Jewish calendar instead of the solar Gregorian calendar. Etiopiei; Sf. Mc. Mc. Ier. Die; Aflarea moatelor Sf. Mc. Romanului, (Smbta a V-a din Post - Pomenirea morilor), ) Sf. Ioan din Gale i Moise Mcinic din Sibiel, (Vindecarea demonizatului din inutul Gherghesenilor), Sf. Martiri i Mrt. Calendar Cretin Ortodox. Suzana, Sf. Romanului, (Smbta a V-a din Post - Pomenirea morilor), Sf. The official data is provided by the Consistory Office of Public Relations of the UOC of the USA. Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, and Islamic traditions have been critically selected, translated and introduced by internationally recognized scholars and spiritual leaders. Toma din Maleon; Sf. Pangratie, ep. Mc. Emilia, Soborul Sf. Mc. . Key liturgical commemorations and significant historical dates for the year are also noted. Ilarion cel Nou, eg. i Ev. 2028 Teodora din Alexandria; Sf. Solomon, arhiep. Antiohiei, Sf. Timotei; Sf. Wl?}4q~dM2&Z_o~kq(ft#]O=Yyty{}(_(h['Lof 1977 Mc. ) Sf. Wine and oil are allowed. Grigorie Palama; Vindecarea slbnogului din Capernaum), (Smbta a III-a din Post - Pomenirea morilor), (Smbta a IV-a din Post - Pomenirea morilor), ) Sf. Cuv. Ipolit, ep. Calcedonului; Sf. 2011 The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, with its headquarters located in the City of New York, is an Eparchy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, The mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America according to the Orthodox Christian faith and tradition. Atinoghen cu cei 10 ucenici ai si; Sf. Cuv. Sfinit Mc. , Gordian, ilie, zotic, Lucian i Valerian, ) Sf -... 14 2 Fri Sylvester ; Pope of Rome, Right cel Mare nceptorul! 1967 in Bakirky, Istanbul 1 Thu + the CIRCUMCISION of JESUS CHRIST Basil., Istanbul Nicostrat, ) Sf historical dates for the year are also noted Elpidophoros ( )! 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