Mullein has also been used in ear drop formulations to treat ear infections. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Mullein has well-established emollient and astringent properties, making it an excellent choice for temperamental ear ailments. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. With so many supplement forms available, the best one for you may depend on your preference. Miscanthus is one of the most prized of ornamental grasses, and one particular cultivar, 'Morning Light', sums up much of its appeal: This grass is stunning when backlit by the sun, either rising or setting.Statuesque miscanthus makes dense clumps of arching grassy foliage in an assortment of widths, decoration, and fineness, according to variety. Allow plenty of space for plants to develop, although new cultivars reach only 5 feet (1.5 m.), with some bred to be only 18 inches (46 cm.) 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. It blooms from June through September. This alien can be found along almost any roadside. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. This plant is also regularly called common mullein, candlewick plant, velvet . A densely hairy, greenish-gray herbaceous biennial. Breathe in the steam to relieve congestion (though many Native folks just smoked the leaves for the same result). It originally grew in Europe and Western Asia, but it now grows in other places as . Mugwort ( Artemisia vulgaris) is a divine lady who goes by several names, including wild wormwood, chrysanthemum weed, artemis, Old Uncle Henry, St. John's plant, and cronewort. The plant has been used medicinally to treat asthma, bronchitis, tumors and ulcers. According to one review of various herbs, mullein has no reported side effects. Mullein is a plant with a long history of use for respiratory health, wound healing, and urinary tract infections. Mullein has been used as an herbal remedy since ancient times. Medicinal Uses of Mullein | One of the BEST Respiratory HERBS! There is not enough information regarding the safety of mullein for people who are pregnant or lactating. Retrieved from Marsh Mallow prefers partial sun, but can grow well in shade or full sun. For respiratory issues, take mullein by mouth. This is a white daisy with yellow center disk that blooms from June through August. Once youve planted mullein in gardens, expect to spend time removing fuzzy rosettes if you dont want it to spread. Mature flowering plants You may wonder if there are supplements on the market similar to mullein. Chicory (Cichorium intybus), biennial. Later the horseshoe shaped leaves emerge. This article explains the traditional uses of mullein in herbal medicine, how it is commonly administered, and what you need to know about side effects, precautions, and interactions when taking it. Mullein thrives in full sun. It is difficult for the FDA to effectively evaluate all supplements on the market; therefore, many products out there are unregulated and haven't been tested for safety. It's thought to be useful in treating inflammation, asthma, wounds, earaches, cough, and migraines. Plants first emerge as fuzzy rosettes in fall or spring, then bolt the second year, sending a single thick stem 2-6 feet tall. If the point of companion planting is to increase diversity by providing habitat for beneficial insects, which, in turn, will munch on potato beetles and aphids then I have accomplished it. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Linnaeus first published the name Verbascum thapsus in 1753. Water plants regularly for the first growing season after transplanting. Mullein supplements are also typically vegan since they are made from plants. Spinach: Spinach is often attacked by hungry insects who love to nibble on the green leaves and rabbits who call this leafy plant a diet staple.Interspersing your spinach with some onion plants will help keep these pests at bay . Leaves contain small amounts of roetenone and coumarin and are smoked to suppress spasmodic coughs and asthma. Furthermore, theyre cheap. Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is easy to identify making it a safe gateway herb to wildcrafting and medicinal plants. Mugwort Propagation Even though there are more ways to propagate mugwort, you can just start growing your first plants from seeds. ), annual. A tincture containing the plant alone or a combination of mullein and other herbs is commonly found in health stores (and online) as a tried-and-true natural remedy for ear aches and infections. Common Mullein, Verbascum Thapsus.Wisconsin University Horticulture. Companion Plants, 7247 N. Coolville Ridge Rd, Athens, OH 45701. herbal treatment for coughs, congestion, chest colds, bronchitis, and inflammation. Cleveland Clinic 1995-2023. The plant should only be used for up to seven days. Blooms May-September. Common mulleins soothing properties come from its polysaccharide mucilage and gum content which work to soothe irritated tissue. Wild plants with smaller roots (annuals and biennials) do not compete as much as perennials with larger root mats. Mullein supplements should be stored in a cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight. Verbascum thapsus is a biennial often found growing wild in fields and ditches. annual. Mullein or "mullein leaf" often refers to the leaves of Verbascum thapsus, the great or common mullein, which is frequently used in herbal medicine. The natural remedy consisted of a variety of herbs, including mullein, garlic, St. Johns wort, lavender, and vitamin E in olive oil. Its worth looking into mullein if you are needing support in any of these areas. The silver-green foliage gives the plant an artificial waxed appearance. Mullein leaf is said to work as a diuretic, help to reduce inflammation in the urinary system and prevent UTIs. All of them have square stems, and paired flowers that grow from leaf axils. List of Plants That Look Like Mullein 1. It is often used to treat respiratory issues such as asthma and cough or colds. KingdomPlantae states that, "The flowers make a bright yellow dye, which can be used to dye hair or cloth. Yarrow is one of those plants that give a wildflower look to any garden. It grows up to 2 feet tall, and flowers from July to September. Each fruit has dozens of very small brown seeds. An obvious problem is seed production. This plant contains flavonoids, including: It also contains mucilage, saponins, tannins, and volatile oils. Policy. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. It grows up to 3 feet tall and blooms from June to October. The common name, mullein, is derived from the Latin word mollis, which means 'smooth or with soft hairs' (OSU, 2003; Charters, 2015). The common mullein, usually found throughout the US, is a woolly-leafed biennial plant. Phytother Res. Flower stalks grow quite tall (anywhere from two to seven feet), bearing small, yellow (rarely white), five-petaled flowers grouped closely on a leafy spike. Seeds usually fall just a few feet away from the parent plant, blown down by the wind or shaken down by an animal animal. So the more the soil is disturbed, the more likely seeds will emerge and sprout. The understory of ragweed, goldenrod, smartweed and lambs quarters in a New Jersey peach orchard contributed to the decreased population of the oriental fruit moth. The plant will also adapt to poor, calcareous soil. Better Homes & Gardens - 100 years of powering your passions at home. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Use caution and speak with your healthcare provider before starting mullein. Laboratory research appears to be promising in regard to the healing of wounds, earaches, and UTIs. While most gardeners consider it a weed, its flowers and leaves are often used by herbalists to treat respiratory problems, digestive issues, and skin conditions, among other health concerns. If you're considering mullein, talk to your healthcare provider to weigh the potential risks and benefits. Tuberculosis. She is currently taking Cooperative Extensions Master Gardener course, as well as karate lessons. Milkweed and lambs quarters have formed solid partnerships with the beans and corn. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. It is unknown whether mullein interacts with drugs, foods, herbs, or supplements. Although many call mullein a plant, it is technically a weed. To date, there areno reports of negative reactionsor toxic side effects of mullein.. Easy-to-grow in well-drained soil and full sun, mullein tolerates a wide range of soil conditions including poor, sandy soil. Common mullein is a biennial weed which reproduces by seed only. Goldenrod (Solidago sp. It blooms from June through August. Keep the soil moist when growing mullein from seed. That's why these plants are so invasive in areas with poor to average soil disturbed by logging, fire, and storms. A therapist and healer for over 15 years, Caroline's passion for medicinal plants only began after leaving the city for the quiet country life in Quebec, Canada. Most are perennial. Tickseed (Coreopsis sp.). Pest control isn't the advantage to companion planting. It was originally native to Europe and Asia, but it can now be found growing wild throughout North America and much of the rest of the world. Common usage tells us that this herb is helpful for a variety of health conditions and respiratory complaints. The more the soil is disturbed, the more likely seeds will emerge and sprout. 7247 N. Coolville Ridge Road Athens, Ohio 45701 (740)592-4643 (740)593-3092 (Fax) Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. Zinc, an important mineral, may also be used to help heal wounds, especially leg ulcers. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. It is one of the most floriferous mulleins and continues to bloom all summer if it is deadheaded. Mullein leaf and flowers have been used in herbal medicines since ancient times. Ornamental mullein uses include any area with good drainage and full sun. A clinical trial looked at the effectiveness of a natural earache remedy in children. Youve likely seen mullein plants growing in fields and along roadsides. Verbascum chaixii 'Album' has saucer-shaped white flowers accented with rosy purple stamens. Common Mullein Known as Verbascum thapsus, this variety is a biennial plant that grows in fields and ditches. Remember that alternative medicine should not be used as a substitute for standard care. Various clinical trials conducted on mullein oil show that this herb may work as an herbal remedy for earaches and ear infections. A dwarf hybrid, it grows just 12 inches tall (in bloom) and wide, a fraction of the size of many other hybrid verbascum and the large, naturalized common mullein (V. thapsus), familiar to many from roadsides and sites . Copyright 2023 The Botanical Institute |, 3. Common mullein is one of the most commonly used herbs for respiratory health. For example, Verticillium wilt is hosted by chickweed, horse nettle, jimsonweed, ragweed, some of the mints, and possible lambs quarters. There are various different Verbascum species of mullein, including: Expectorant, demulcent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, vulnerary. Many plants are nitrogen-fixers. For best results, direct sow in late summer or early fall. The plant has a thick, hairy stalk topped by a club of yellow flowers. This tall plant (up to 3 feet) has soft, feathery, fern-like leaves and tight, flat flower clusters, usually white. Just in case you dont have weeds in your garden, or you do but theyre not the right kind you can order seeds of flowering wild annuals and perennials: American Meadows ( not only has seeds, but also a 70-species wildflower encyclopedia with photos, botanical information, how-to-grow, etc. The wild variety has purple spots on its stem, and opposite leaves. Its small, yellow flowers are densely grouped on a tall stem, which grows from a large rosette of leaves. Sow seeds directly into garden beds and pots during late spring. Scatter them on the top of rich potting soil or sow a pinch of seeds 18 inches apart and just 1/16 inch deep in well-drained soil. Each part of the plant has specific medicinal uses. The flowers have numerous (sometimes up to 150) thin rays. It grows in a wide variety of habitats, but prefers well-lit, disturbed soils, where it can appear soon after the ground receives light, from long-lived seeds that persist in the soil seed bank. Remove the flower stalk before seeds have dispersed to avoid abundant spread. In the nineteenth century, this herb was commonly given as treatment to tuberculosis patients throughout the US and Europe. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Commision E (2000). . 2013;Suppl:S6-S11. Her work has been featured in The Weeder's Digest, Gardening Know How, GrowIt, and more. American Herbal Products Association. Brittany Lubeck, RD, is a nutrition writer and registered dietitian with a master's degree in clinical nutrition. However, a standardized dose of mullein has not been determined due to a lack of scientific evidence. Pair it with peonies, Russian sage, lady's mantle, sedum, coneflower, and ornamental grasses in a perennial planting. Seed can also be started indoors in spring 6 weeks before the last frost. It blooms from July to September. Removing the flower stalk spurs the plant to produce new flower buds in an effort to produce seeds for the next generation. Most importantly, before taking any supplements, alwaysdiscuss them with your doctor.. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), perennial. By July, my garden is wild. There are several species of mullein, so be sure to grow the right one. This garden escapee is usually blue, but also can be pink and white. Its flowering period is during July and August. Efficacy of peppermint oil in diarrhea predominant IBS - a double blind randomized placebo - controlled study. Seeds can be viable for 80 years. Despite its short life span, rose campion is certainly worth growing. The roots can be made into a warm decoction for soaking swollen feet or reducing swelling in joints. Mullein appears to be a safe and well-tolerated herb. There is not enough scientific data to determine a recommended dose of mullein for most people. Mullein is a common roadside weed that really stands out in a crowd. BMC Complement Med Ther. Common Foxglove 3. Queen Annes Lace and other umbels are well known habitat plants. Once you've planted mullein in gardens, expect to spend time removing fuzzy rosettes if you don't want it to spread. Native Americans have used this plant for a myriad of ills. Verbascum thapsus is the mullein species most commonly discussed in the context of supplemental use. Alam MS, Roy PK, Miah AR, et al. Olympic mullein may die after blooming, but it usually self-sows to come back in future years. It reseeds itself a decided advantage for the lazy gardener who wants flowers with no work. Johnnys Selected Seeds, Foss Hill Rd, 955 Benton Avenue Winslow, ME 04901; 1-877-564-6697; 2021;21(1):166. doi:10.1186/s12906-021-03339-6. Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), biennial. This well-known composite blooms in the spring. One species was used to treat fevers and bronchitis. Of the Scrophulariaceae snapdragon family, their long terminal flower spikes are reminiscent of snapdragon flowers. Sign up for our newsletter. Yellow flowers turn brown as seeds mature in late summer. Yablon LA, Mauskop A. Magnesium in headache. May Help with Urinary Tract Infections,, They are edible, have been used in medicines, and supposedly contain a number of chemicals, including estrogens. A test-tube study looked at the antimicrobial properties of mullein extract in fighting common microbes found in urinary tract infections. Dietary supplements are not regulated in the United States, meaning the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve them for safety and effectiveness before products are marketed. Although mullein appears to be fairly safe, it has not been proven effective in treating any health condition. These days, it's more commonly used for less serious conditions, like: 2005;19(9):733-739. doi:10.1002/ptr.1653, Sarrell EM, Mandelberg A, Cohen HA. The attractive foliage and flowers, as well as mullein uses, lead some to grow mullein in gardens. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. The blue stalkless flowers measure almost 1-1/2 inches across with petals that are square-tipped and fringed. Black-eyed Susan and ox-eye daisies bloom between the rows of garlic. Mucilage, saponins, mullein companion plant, and volatile oils most importantly, before taking any,... It usually self-sows to come back in future years soothe irritated tissue mulleins continues! For most people herb may work as a substitute for standard care and respiratory complaints the. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services Gardener course, as well as uses. 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