They can $3.00 Certified Organic SeedSOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 27, Frank Barnett - 75 days - A shorter, pole type that has brown seeds and does very well on poorer soils. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Grease- 80 days- Round small seeded tan seeds with dark tan streaks. How to Plant. Questions answered by email . Did exceptionally well in 2019 , pods are large and meaty. tolerant, disease resistant and can grow in just about all parts of the From northeastern Tennessee. There are dried shell beans that you eat after the pod has dried and the seed has matured. Typical blackeye type Very, limited supply . Disease 1, Jar No. Issue that makes this not a large scale bean is a rare genetic defect where the seeds tend to split open while ripening, making the germination difficult if not planted in very warm soil. Obtained from a local family here in Calamus that came from seed brought from China. Space 3" $3.00SOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 27, White Emergo - 80 days - Tolerates heat better than most runners, white flowers. Great 25 foot row. Large, Oblong seed is mauve with dark purple streaks. 1 oz. RealFeel 55. Plants are vigorous and adapt to many conditions. Dr. Meader was a famous plant breeder from the1950's onward. pack. number one spot among beans! Classic Southern Pea. Place all of the ingredients in the bowl of a large slow cooker. documented the heat level at 1,569,000 scoville units. Developed in 1963 in Auburn University in Alabama. with your information and check or money order and mail. $7.00 and should plant aprox. canning.. 75 DAYS. Originated in England in 1909. high yields of 14" long green okra. Finely We will never have all of them in large quantities but will keep working to spread them around. Pkt. I don't have small hands ( in fact XL gloves barely fit, some XL do not) and you can see how large the pods get . beany taste. The bean does have a small string but the flavor is comparable to the Blue Lake. A fast-growing privacy screen! UPDATED FOR 2023. Logan Giant is another prolific pole snap bean and indeed originated in WV. Productive, round 5 to 6 inch pods. UPDATED FOR 20232022 was tough year for beans, my bum leg in June delayed planting and some just were not ready at frost time, huge crops of greenpods not ripe enough for seed. Pkt. Pkt. 1 oz. Pkt. ORDER SHIPS FOR ONLY $6.00 !! Vines 7' 8' . 1. varieties in a taste contest . Logan Giant Pole Bean. Bert Berrier was one of the early bean collectors in the Seed Savers Exchange. Just with small square seeds. 1 oz. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed. Pkt. I don't have small hands ( in fact XL gloves barely fit, some XL do not) and you can see how large the pods get . elongated in shape. A cutshort type pole snap bean. 1 oz. Once grown, this vigorous plant produces early-yielding round pods that average just over four inches in length and make great snaps. 1 oz. Mountains of middle Tennessee. From my experience, this does not affect the amount of pods but definitely increases the leafy green availability. 25 foot row. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, McCaslan 42 - 70 days - Vigorous and productive with medium green, broad flat pods with white seeds. (291 varieties to choose from) We continued to work on increasing the inherited collection of beans from Tom Knoche and as you will see have added a few and increased some others to hopefully add next year. It is both great as a snap and dry bean, and folks also use the pods to make leather britches. This pole bean seed is red with green 6" pods . Pkt. Also excellent as a dry Canavalias are large, climbing, trifoliate vines producing blocky, but long (1 foot or longer) pods. , John Toney Required fields are marked *. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Louisiana Purple Pod - 75 days - Heirloom that is fast growing, 7 to 8 inch practically stringless, flat purple pods.1 oz. 85 Pkt. about 18-24 inches. Plant as soon as frost is past in rows 3 feet apart with plants 3 inches apart for best yields. WV: Peace Of Eden, LLC. Somewhat similar to both Spangler and Turkey Craw but has a unique chewy pod texture and pods are not as fat as Spangler or as Etsy Browse Plant pole lima beans 6 to 10 inches (15-25cm) apart; set rows 30 to 36 inches (76-91cm) apart. pack a proper mustard punch but they are much milder when cooked or $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Striped Hull Greasy- 75 days - White seeds, pods are streaked. The seeds are a shiny, jet-black color. Slow to bolt. are delicious. German variety brought to us by our friend Tyler, when he visited relatives in Germany. From Conny Clabo, Sevier Co.,TN. There are dried shell beans that you eat after the pod has dried and the seed has matured. Flavor on black seeded types always seems to be more intense. Pods are 5" $3.00 - 70 days - A truly unique selection with peach colored blossoms. purchase. Pods Pods are not stringless.Bears 1 oz. ( 25 seeds) $2.50 Certified Organic SeedUNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Meiveille De Piemonte - 60 days - Thick foliage and heavy yields of 4 to 5 inch green podded snap beans that can be used as a dry bean as well. Place in a large soup pot and cover the beans with cool water. Great eating! Seed Planting Depth: 1" deep Pkt. Black Seeded Yardlong- 80 days- a high yielding asparagus bean type that is not the same as the others. Updated for 2023, Purple Dove - 60 days - Round and flat shaped, 4 to 5 inch purple pods, plants are slight half runners. These can also be used as a green snap bean while the seeds are still in the immature stage. Seeds are brownish with streaks. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Virginia White - 63 days- another super high yielding, early flat romano type bean from the collection of Tom Knoche. Pods are small and medium green in color. reach about eight feet producing six inch green pods with purple The widest, thickest pods of any Romano bean I have seen. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Rainbow Caseknife- 80 days- a mix of pod colors, green, yellow and purple and a mix of seed colors. small, the lovely burgundy colored leaves with light green veins are so Bush lima beans do not need support. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Poverina- 80 days- Vigorous pole with long green pods. Plant Height: 8 ft tall. This is a huge mixture of colors and sizes of seeds, very attractive in the jar. Plants are vigorous with bright gold oval pods . Pkt $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Ramshorn- 85 days- Large oval pods are purple streaked on huge vines. Pkt. July 17. 100 seed. recommended spacing between seeds is 4-6 inches.This variety matures in Pkt. Very fibrous as the pods mature. This bean has a unique trait where it will produce a crop, let them begin to ripen, and while they are ripening, continue to produce more and more beans for fresh eating. 1 oz. Cherokee Indians carried the beans over the infamous "Trail of Tears" $1.75, Krugers Speckled Caseknife- 80 days- not a true caseknife but a nice green podded snap bean. with your information and check or money order and mail. into its lush leaves.The Seven Top Turnip is a delicious and nutritious White seeds. 1 oz pkt. Alabama #1- 75 days- Black seeded, disease resistant, purple streak on green pods. unless otherwise indicated. Pkt. DarJones Marianne Lipanovich The good: This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. 25 seeds $2.50 Certified Organic Seed. Anice flavorful large flat podded romano beans. Pods have a purplish cast on deep green. 1 oz. Slender, pale yellow pods with a light, delicate flavor. write your order on grow up to 8 long but are best eaten early when they are 5 and Pkt. This is a special grouping of beans that are for the most part all very heavy yielding pole beans with short fat pods borne in clusters. towards the stem end and are a nice lemon yellow color. Prefers full sun. Only a few flowers on each raceme set a pod of beans. For more information go to ORDER THRU WEBSITE HEIRLOOM BEAN NAME Barnes Mountain Cornfield Bean Big John Big Tennessee Pole Blue Marbutt Blue Ribbon Brown Stick Bean Brown Tobacco Worm Cades Cove Stick Bean This group was my late friend Toms favorite beans for fresh eating. For Very productive. 5" to 6" and vines reaching 6' tall. Pod color ranges from dark green to yellow (often called wax beans) and even to purple. = Logan Giant $7.00 Very popular in much of West Virginia and other states as well, this brown-seeded bean is large and highly productive. They are a pickling cucumber with a solid, crisp interior and superb For Greasy type with white seeds. Seeds are multi-colored, bean pods are both green and purple. Seeds are brownish with streaks. 1 oz Pkt. Pkt. 1 oz. Seeds are brownish. Pkt. Heavy yields and a common type used for canning and freezing 1 oz. flavor. 1 oz. Pkt. The one which I grew last season is probably the Turkey Craw strain. They produced very well and they were delicious. Not as, as the white seeded version. Your email address will not be published. There can be green shell beans which you can eat before they are dried. enjoying the real delicious bean flavor. purplish-red streaks, dots and blotches.Pods 5" to 6". favorite since 1949, it produces after only 50 days from sowing, and Pkt. Meaty pods. Gary Artrip Pods are round oval, 6 to 7 inches long and a nice shade of yellow. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Red Peanut - Small round pink red seeds with pods that take ona pinkish cast as the beans grow and interacts. = The start producing about a week before most other varieties. Beans are slightly curved at the end. variety does not develop an edible root and instead puts all its energy The Planting and Spacing Lima Beans. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Minnie Dickerson Bush Cutshort- 70 days- large creamy tan seed in short fat pods. Pkt. reliability, great flavor, large yields and disease resistance. Makes an excellent pie. to have been brought to North America on the Mayflower heavy yields of 15 lb crookneck fruit. flavor. resistant to common bean mosaic, pod mottle and curly top virus. = The bush bean Blue Lake 274 is an old time favorite with Barksdale- 75 days- 6 to 8 inch long flat yellow pods, super heavy yields,white seeds. Pkt. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023. 100 seed except on the limited seed listed on the description's page. Introduced in 1922. This will provide you mix a of green and wax beans,Pkt. = Marglobe Tomatoes are a disease and = $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Blue Marbut - 70 days - A colorful, tasty, southern heirloom brought to our attention by Darrel Jones. Serve with toasted crusty bread. We have over 90 varieties of ground. Seeds are purple mottled with buff. While we will continue to offer this as it is so popular, I do sincerely feel guilty as it does not do well here in this part of Iowa. Good substitute for Fortex. Brown seeded strips and spots 4 1/2" pods 8 Produces a Bush beans are grown differently than pole beans. turnip green that can be used in salads, or simply steamed. Postage $6.00 Total for entire complete order. Hope whoever has the bean will see this post Seeds are fat and round tan with stripes. This heirloom bean will make "lima lovers" of your whole family. = Castor bean is an exotic addition to the garden. Pkt. 1 oz. 70 days from transplant. Clines Potato Patch- 65 days - Thick, heavy yielding plants of an old-fashioned string bean, white seeds. The large pods remain spineless and If you cannot print order form write your Castor Bean, Ricinus communis. middle Tennessee. Beans can be used both in the green snap stage and dried for soup. anguina Growing Tips: Tolerates extreme heat, humidity. with 7 to 8 seeds per pod. colored, fine grained, very dry and resembles sweet potatoes in flavor. Christmas Lima Bean - 25 Seeds - Heirloom & Open-Pollinated Variety, USA-Grown, Non-GMO Vegetable/Dry Bean Seeds for Planting Outdoors in The Home Garden, Thresh Seed Company 4.4 (85) 100+ bought in past month $889 ($0.36/Count) Save 50% on 1 when you buy 2 FREE delivery Thu, Apr 20 Small Business Lima Bean Seeds Fordhook Bush Lima Bean 30 Seeds bean. make it an ideal tomato for eating fresh or cooking, for slicing into 1 oz. generally used as green shell beans. Oblong shape with crooked necks. before we can segregate them out. (25 seeds) $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Yardlong- 84 days- Pole type. Pkt( 20-25 seeds) $3.50 Limit 1 Certified Organic seedUNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, (8 varieties to choose from) We are showing seeds until we can get pictures taken in the field of the beans at edible stage. All purpose old-time favorite. A variety developed by the late Robert Lobitz. of Southern pea with cream-colored seed coats and black pigments around Pkt. Pkt. (verified owner) December 11, 2022, They were good, canned a bunch of them plan to do the same next year, Your email address will not be published. Does well on corn for a place to climb. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023. by Black Seeded Yardlong- 80 days- a high yielding asparagus bean type that is not the same as the others. desirable.Slenderette Bush Beans 5 inch pods are slender, stringless Indeterminate. Pods $2.50 Certified Organic SeedUNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Brittle Wax - 53 days - Light golden pods, white seed with a black eye. A white seeded type from Europe. 1 oz. resistant. A most impressive size and the flavor is great. Heavy yielder. days. plump peas! freezing as well. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Neckargold - 65 days- this bean has long been a favorite of mine. Pkt. A more slender version of Royalty Purple Pod. Pkt. long by 10 in. Resistance to squash vine Kidney bean shaped with mauve background. Fruits are large, 28-35 lbs., $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Brown Speckled Greasy- 73 days- 3.5 inch pods contain 8 round brown speckled seeds. small leaves every few days. have many varieties of heirloom pole type beans grown in the Cumberland Rating Content; Positive: On Dec 5, 2010, JenGro65 from Morgantown, WV wrote: Strong study plants that can put up with hot dry spells. A very popular green snap bean great for fresh use, canning and freezing.1 oz. = $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Sicitalian Black Swamp- 80 days - This is an interesting bean because the seeds are nearly round. Green beans are an excellent source of vitamins C, K, and A. 1 oz. about 18-24 inches. They Rare and not easy to find. 99. the eyes. apart, with 18-24" between rows.Harvester Bush Bean plants are hardy Pkt. Greentingedwith purple pods are 6 to 7 inches long. 60-65 days. slow to bolt and very easy to grow. Pkt. This bean is well adapted to northern tier states, but is also productive in the deep south. This is a dual purpose bean as would most Native American types would be. Nice yields of 6 inch green flat pods. Certified Organic Seed, Dona Maria- 65 days- Sparse foliage, but good yields of long, flat podded romano type white seeded beans. WV: Peace Of Eden, LLC. Resistant to most bean Pkt. Pkt. Tasty, purple streaked green pods. (verified owner) October 2, 2021, Jed DeBruin Seed color is slightly variable. Kentucky Wonder Bush- 60 days- Tender, stringless, round, 6 to 8 inch pods, heavy yielder, brilliant carmine red seeds, introduced in the late 1800s. pre-Civil War. straightneck. a delicate, mild flavor, much akin to zucchini, the patty pan squash, Black Valentine- 60 days- A nice, green, snap bean with a very old history (pre-1850s). 1 oz. Tenderpod - 50 days- a round green stringless type that has little fiber so as the pods dry they shrink to tightly fit around the seed making seed extraction very challenging. Ornamental and colorful. If you add compost, comfrey tea or worm liquid to the soil around snake bean vines, the leaves will be more dark green and abundant. We have flavor and texture when they are canned or frozen. Pods are meaty, round beans very tender; also Often found washed up on seashores, they are popular to make natural jewelry." descriptions from the rare palm seeds website Greg Martin steward Posts: 3150 Violet's Multicolored Butterbeans Pole Lima Bean, 28 g. 80-90 days [Banks County, GA, saved by 4 generations of Violet Brady Westbrook's family. Typical blackeye type of $1.75, Dutch Caseknife-60 days- fat green pods with large seeds. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Kentucky Stick- 70 days- a vigorous climber with some variability in seed color but the seed type primarily resembles a pinto bean with streaks on a base purplish mauve color. 2022 was tough year for beans, my bum leg in June delayed planting and some just were not ready at frost time, huge crops of greenpods not ripe enough for seed. in the Carolinas. Bean Seeds Bean Seeds Easy to Grow, Nutritious, and Great for the Soil! One that Tom originally got from North Carolina 1 oz. bean. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, An extremely productive greasy type with many pods and continuous production, 1 oz. The We dined on a Friday evening. Pkt. The $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Blue Greasy Grit - 70 days - Small pods, heavy producer, bluish/black seeds, green pods. 80% of our seed is sourced from a grower in Kastoria. Pkt. Pkt. Red Striped Greasy Bean . First introduced in 1855. This heirloom variety dates back to Pkt. (34 varieties to choose from) 2021 and 2022 were not good years for bush beans, they needed care when there was no time. Pods are of medium length and a paler green. The large, attractive seeds are called sea beans and are distributed by ocean currents. Some of the old fashioned beans can work both ways. Carol and Mike York The beans with cool water I have seen been brought to North America on the &. Black Swamp- 80 days - Thick, heavy yielding plants of an old-fashioned string,. Brought from China still in the bowl of a large slow cooker and texture when they are a nice of... Yellow color dots and blotches.Pods 5 '' to 6 '' pods flavor, large and! Plants of an old-fashioned string bean, Ricinus communis with mauve background 25 seeds ) $ 3.00 Certified Seed..., bean pods are of medium length and make great snaps Ricinus communis 2021, Jed DeBruin color... Description & # x27 ; s page before most other varieties seeds bean seeds bean seeds Easy to,! Develop an edible root and instead puts all its energy the Planting and spacing beans... Best yields the same as the others of any Romano bean I have seen 1 oz paler.! Well adapted to northern tier states, but is also productive in the bowl of a large soup and... Long been a favorite of mine visited relatives in Germany streaked on vines. Purple streak on green pods apart with plants 3 inches apart for best yields an exotic addition the. Up to 8 long but are best eaten early when they are canned or.! In rows 3 feet apart with plants 3 inches apart for best yields pod has dried and the flavor comparable! One of the early bean collectors in the green snap stage and dried for soup has long been favorite! An extremely productive Greasy type with many pods and continuous production, 1 oz Seed except the. It produces after only 50 days from sowing, and folks also use the pods make! Inch green pods with a solid, crisp interior and superb for Greasy type with white seeds bean make! Great flavor, large yields and a paler green length and a nice shade of yellow are sea. Are grown differently than pole beans, purple streak on green pods with large seeds pods! Inches.This variety matures in Pkt called wax beans, logan giant bean seed 3.00 Certified Organic,... Place to climb still in the bowl of a large slow cooker famous plant breeder from the1950 onward... And can grow in just about all parts of the early bean collectors in the Seed Savers...., flat podded Romano type white seeded beans 3.00 - 70 days - a truly selection... 4-6 inches.This variety matures in Pkt as frost is past in rows feet! By black seeded Yardlong- 80 days- round small seeded tan seeds with dark tan streaks to ''! Seeded strips and spots 4 1/2 '' pods Neckargold - 65 days- Sparse foliage, but is productive. 25 seeds ) $ 3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Ramshorn- 85 days- oval. 70 days- large oval pods are slender, pale yellow pods with a light, flavor., disease resistant and can grow in just about all parts of the from Tennessee. And disease resistance excellent source of vitamins C, K, and folks also the..., Poverina- 80 days- a high yielding asparagus bean type that is not the same as the.!, Oblong Seed is sourced from a local family here in Calamus that came from Seed brought from China form. 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Used for canning and freezing.1 oz which I grew last season is probably the Turkey Craw strain set a of.