Allah gives teachers the second highest rank after our parents because they are the reason we learn and be what we want to be. This is why the Prophet would eat food if he desired it and leave it without criticism if he did not in order to assure that he does not show dislikeness towards Allahs sustenance. The Prophet () mentioned two things as conditions to obtain the reward attached to offering these prayers: Then the Prophet () mentioned the result of those who fulfill the previous two conditions that all of their previous sins will be forgiven. Some in one group were offering Salah to Allah SWT, while others in the same group were making Duas and reciting the Holy Quran. The teacher acts as a mentor and builds a friendly class environment. Some opine that one of the wisdoms behind the command to trim the mustache may be so that it does not harm the food of the person eating because dirt can gather in the mustache. In this situation, the shade of Allahs mercy will be the only relief and protection. We learn from this hadith that we must fully wash all designated body parts especially paying close attention to those which are more likely to be neglected. One whose neighbor is not safe from his evil will not enter paradise. This indicates that doing tasbeeh of Allah and praising Him is among the best forms of supererogatory worship. AND THE RIGHT OF YOUR PUPILS ON YOU IS THAT YOU SHOULD REALISE THAT IN GRANTING YOU KNOWLEDGE AND OPENING ITS PATH FOR YOU, ALLAH HAS APPOINTED YOU TO BE THEIR GUARDIAN. In this hadith, the Prophet commands his companions to differ from the Magians by shortening their mustaches and growing their beards. In this hadith, the Prophet is strictly warning us from preceding the imaam in congregational prayer. When a person humbles themselves before Allah and submits to His will, Allah elevates them and blesses them with success in this world and the Hereafter. If the accusation is actually true and justified towards the accused, then it would be valid. The whole point of this life is to be tested and to submit and be obedient to Allah through belief, but when the person sees the truth then where is the test of belief? The Prophet () said, "There is no harm, go and do the slaughtering now." Imagine the amount of good deeds a person would accumulate on the Day of Judgment if someone started something good in his/her life and the people followed him/her in that generation after generation. Sins for which the doer is said to be cursed in the Quran or Sunnah. Therefore, it is very important for a Muslim to safeguard his/her tongue from lying, backbiting, slandering, cursing, and a host of other sins that emanate from this single organ. They are as follows: The above five are some of the things we can do to increase love and harmony between theummahand remove hatred and grudges from the hearts. The Prophet here warns that those who do such a thing are only preparing themselves to be entered into Hell on the Day of Judgment. It is then explained that the reward for this act is of the same kind as the act itself. In this hadith, the Prophet mentioned four phrases of dhikr which he considered more beloved to him than all that is on earth. In this hadith, he encouraged Muslims to instruct their dying ones with the words of tawheed, La ilaaha illa Allah. Why Should You dont despair the mercy of Allah? This alone demonstrates how truly essential and powerful this profession is to Allah SWT and His messenger. The third characteristic is that the person intends to purposely break their promise when he/she makes it. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was continually praising the benefits of instructors and claiming that they are on a higher level than worshipers. Islam has paid great attention to teachers for their being the first brick in the structure of social development and perfection and the cause of guiding and developing behaviors and mentalities of individuals and communities. This hadith commands us to abstain from unlawful desires because they lead us to hellfire and to be patient over difficulties because it leads us to paradise. The meaning of in the fire could be in reference to the person being punished for doing such an act in the afterlife or that the specific body part below the ankle will be punished by burning. In the Quran, Allah SWT stated: Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. The Prophet is telling us here that Allah is even more delighted and joyous than that traveler when a slave of His returns back to Him in repentance for his/her sins. Those who show respect to the elders are considered honourable in the society. Whoever deliberately lies about me, then let him take his seat in the Fire. I hope you benefit from the words of the Prophet below as much as I did! Everyone ends up suffering due to something that is not even confirmed. Among the mercy of Allah is that He has made many avenues for us to increase our ranks and have our sins forgiven even after death. This hadith is exclusively concerning the second category above, when hypocrisy occurs in a persons deeds not belief. What does it mean for Allah to send blessings upon His slaves. This hadith shows the etiquette of good care towards Allahs blessings and it is part of having good character. I have forgiven My servant [his sins] and have admitted him to Paradise. The Quran is the most sacred text for the Islamic religious tradition, as it is considered the direct unedited word of God revealed to the prophet Muhammad. This amount of love and care may blind the child from giving her the treatment that she deserves, or the child may even begin to take her for granted, thus, the Prophet () wanted to emphasize it. Imagine the amount of joy and delight such a traveler would feel. The Magians used to do the opposite. WebAlQuranClasses offers the best Online Quran Classes for kids and adults with the correct method of Tajweed. Since warfare is forbidden this month, it makes it easier to fast for even soldiers since fighting while fasting can be difficult. Islam teaches us to respect our teachers, listen to them and be dutiful. The path to religious knowledge can be challenging, but those who persevere in seeking it will be rewarded by Allah with ease in their journey towards Paradise. The only reason he avoided commanding it was so that it does not become burdensome on his followers. This hadith highlights the importance and virtue of making dua (supplication) while in the state of prostration during prayer. Status of Teachers in Islam. Some opine it refers to non-Muslims who have not yet accepted the message of Islam while others opine that it refers exclusively to Muslims. We need to respect the teacher who is willing to give us the knowledge. We also recommend that you go through our earlier post on 30 Inspiring Islamic Quotes on Education / Knowledge /Study. Islam lays so much stress on seeking knowledge and also on giving the respect to the ones who imparted knowledge. Some scholars opine that the reason repentance is not accepted during these two times may be because the true reality becomes apparent to them during that time and they have seen the truth with their eyes, thus, the test is considered over. Once at a time, the Prophet (PBUH) said: Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. The widow in the hadith is in reference to a woman whose husband has died, which has led her to poverty and loss in provisions. Boosts words with higher relevance. La ilaaha illa Allah (There is no deity except Allah) it is the phrase of monotheism and it means that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone without any partners. Quotes e.g. In other words, Allah is not impressed by our external trappings, but rather by our inner qualities and intentions. It is not appropriate for a Muslim to think bad of another Muslim merely out of suspicion without even ascertaining the doubt. Such an individual takes responsibility for their interests, supplies, and whatever else they need. This hadith is regarding those who intentionally lie against the Prophet and includes those who falsely attribute statements, actions, or tacit approvals to him. All Prophets were the teacher that sent before Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and obviously, Holy Prophet (PBUH) was also the great teacher for all mankind. Privacy Policy I hold a B.S. Teachers should have freedom in giving judgment. It is one of the sacred months in which warfare is prohibited. His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were all renowned people among the scholars of Hadith. One of the best ways to do this is through Umrah and Hajj. It comprises many reports of varying length and authenticity. This is part of a longer hadith in which the Prophet speaks about a person who goes to the mosque to pray and waits for the prayer to begin, thus, there is strong encouragement to arrive early to the mosque before the prayer begins. One of these main teachings revolved around the idea of promoting love between Muslims and warning them away from discord and quarrel. He also told us about how everything in this world is asking for forgiveness for the good teacher. Starting from a really young age, a teacher grasps the students finger and takes him or her to the point where he or she is successful. So increase your supplications [during that time]. Yawning is associated with laziness and laxity. but there is no need to find fault with Allahs sustenance which He gave to the person. 2547 Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari: The Prophet said, He who has a slave-girl and teaches her good manners and improves her education and then manumits and marries her, will get a double reward; and any slave who observes Allah's right and his master's.. READ COMPLETE Hadith by Topics 15 Shaban Hadith Some of the definitions of major sins include: The accepted Hajj is the type that is done without doing anything forbidden in it. Read more, Contact What is meant by place in paradise is that such a person will have an honorable place in paradise with good hospitality. 2- Another descendent of the Holy Prophet , Imam Jaafar Sadiq is reported to have said: YOUR TEACHER ENJOYS THE RIGHT OVER YOU THAT YOU SHOULD HONOUR HIM AND PAY HIM RESPECT IN DIFFERENT ASSEMBLIES. It also emphasizes the need to respect the honor and dignity of others, even when they are not present. This is the main reason why Islam focuses and emphasizes on the respect of teachers so much. If I did not fear difficulty for my nation, then I would have commanded them to use the siwaak before every prayer. The significance of regarding ones parents is a significant part of numerous religions, especially the Abrahamic beliefs. It also encourages Muslims to strive in the way of Allah and to be prepared to sacrifice their lives for His sake. Teachers are more deserving of excellent treatment of Muslims, in general, are forced to keep company, live peacefully together, and be in harmony with one another. It reminds us to be careful with our words and to speak only what is truthful and beneficial. It is important to note that to Allah this whole world is not worth even the wing of a mosquito as the Prophet said, If to Allah the world was equal to a mosquitos wing, then He would not allow a disbeliever to have even a sip of its water (Tirmidhi 2320). FLAWS OF PUPILS ARE TOTALLY RELATED TO YOURS. The strict warning in this hadith should make us all avoid racing with the imaam in prayer. As a result, it is obvious that scorning, wronging, or disappointing a Muslim is Haram, and those who do so will be punished both here and in the hereafter. Every Muslim is expected to have a decent character and noble manners in general. The Prophet () warned us against it because it leads to hostility, hatred, rumors, and overall disunity within the community. Thus, this hadith serves as a reminder for believers to stay focused on their ultimate goal and to strive towards the pleasure of Allah, while also warning against becoming too attached to this fleeting world and neglecting ones duties towards their Creator. There are certain times and places which are more sacred than others and when a believer does acts of worship at those times and in those places, he/she is rewarded more than if he/she were to do that exact same worship in other times and places. In this hadith, there is encouragement for us to perform, multiple times in our lives. It is more likely to be a sincere prayer for the sake of Allah alone because you have nobody to show off to. As opposed to it is the pride in invalid faith and false belief . Slander is a more serious form of backbiting and is also considered a major sin in Islam. 56K views 3 years ago. Indeed, when one is deprived of respect and etiquette, one can stoop to a level that any normal human being would consider unthinkable, let alone any person with Imaan. Teachers should get respect from other people. There is a strict warning and threat in this hadith against those who do not completely wash the designated body parts during ablution (wudu). Lying against the Prophet is a great crime and is unlike lying against someone else because it leads to invalidating and altering the religion of Islam. test* A teacher acts as a role model and is a good influence on children. This is why the Prophet () taught us to suppress our yawn as much as possible and to not let the devil have his way. How often have we heard of cases where marriages are broken, friendships lost, and communities torn apart all because someone. Allah says in the Quran [meaning of which is], O believers! The quoted ayah and hadith are an evidence of the extremely prestigious status that Islam provides to anyone who plays part is spreading good by teaching what he knows and instructing people to the right path. , The teacher is considered the profound father in religion Islam. In more than one Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) forbade such heinous behavior. YOU SHOULD NOT SPEAK ILL OF ANYONE BEFORE HIM. To do good to parents even after their deaths by supplicating for them. Create complex phrase and word queries by using Boolean logic. Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). The scholars differed whether the command here is an obligation on men or just a recommendation. Imagine the amount of evil deeds a person would accumulate on the Day of Judgment if someone started something evil in his/her life and the people followed him/her in that generation after generation. prayers. The exact magnitude of the reward for doing this is known only to Allah but we are told here that it is a heavy reward. His hair was unkempt and his loud voice was heard, which could not be understood until he came closer. Teachers are greatly valued in Islam. Ibn Abbas said, I used to know when they were leaving as I heard them. Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 841, Sahih Muslim 583 Grade: Mutaffaqun Alayhi (authenticity , Hadith on Dhikr: Remembering Allah loudly or softly after prayer Read More , Buraydah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, used to teach them as they went to visit the graves, saying to their inhabitants, Peace be upon you, O people of this abode, from the believers and the Muslims. For example, specific supplications and phrases for entering the mosque, exiting the house, before eating, after eating, before breaking the fast, before sexual intercourse, entering the home, exiting the mosque, after awakening, before sleeping, etc. WebSahih Bukhari Hadith No. The word, means to negate from Allah every type of defect and imperfection. OneUmrah to the next is an expiation for whatever happened between them and the only reward for an accepted Hajj is paradise. Spreading the greeting of peace does not mean merely saying it with the tongue, rather, the believer must make it apparent and act according to it. Whoever called others to guidance, then he will receive a reward similar to whoever followed him without it decreasing from either of them. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teaches us how to worship Allah, how to implement teachings of the Quran in our daily lives and many other things. The difficulty here is in reference to whatever we have been commanded to do by Allah in this world and other noble acts, such as, striving to do acts of worship, patience over fulfilling His commands, abstaining from the prohibited, controlling anger, forgiving others, being forbearing, giving charity, being patient over unlawful desires, etc. Allah is nothing like His creation. Matches any set of one or more characters. Allahu Akbar (Allah is greater) this means that Allah is greater than everything else in existence. It is the very last moment before death. In other words, it is not simply their responsibility to teach the textbooks that are accessible to them. The mosques are the best places on earth. Islam teaches us to respect our teachers, listen to them and be dutiful. The remembrance of Allah is what gives comfort to the heart and soul. Some interpreted the Prophets words here in reference to those who call on someone accidentally speaking to be silent and not when it is directed towards those who are clearly causing disruption during the sermon and making it impossible to hear the imaamspeak. He made a special emphasis for this particular body part because it is what is usually neglected by the masses during ablution. This is to return the right back to its owner unless the person forgives the sinner. The former can be performed any time of the year and can be completed in one day but the latter can only be done during the season of Hajj and takes multiple days to complete. We are informed through this hadith that Allah frees Himself from any act that is not done sincerely for His sake and is contaminated with the defect ofshirk. This is why we must assure that we do not encourage or influence others in such a way that they follow us in our sins and evil habits. Isnt the one who raises his head before theimaam [during prayer] afraid that Allah may change his head to that of a donkey? To raise righteous children so that they may benefit us after death when we will not be able to do anything for ourselves. Respecting Allah SWT is the same thing. THEY WILL DEEM GOOD ONLY WHAT YOU DEEM GOOD AND DEEM EVIL ONLY WHAT YOU DEEM EVIL. In summary, the hadith teaches that all Muslims are forbidden from harming each other in any way, whether through tongue or hand, and that their blood, property, and honor are sacred and must be protected. Every person from my nation will enter paradise except the one who refuses. They asked, O Messenger of Allah, and who will refuse? He () replied, Whoever obeyed me, then he entered paradise. Allah placed limitations and laws within which we must live our lives and then He sent His prophets and messengers to convey those restrictions to the people. This means that the teacher should not discriminate or give preference to one student over another on the basis of materialistic parameters like theirsocial status. In this hadith, the Prophet () informs us of the great blessings that result from two particularly short phrases verbalized on a Muslims tongue. Minor shirk (polytheism) is everything that is prohibited by Islamic law and leads to major shirk. the record of the words, actions, and the silent approval of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. Teachers are some of the most influential people in society and have great importance in modern society. However, this does not mean that we should find fault with the blessings of Allah, rather, we should be grateful. Verily, Allah, his angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and earth, even the ant in his hole and the fish, send blessings upon the one who teaches people what is good., . At numerous times and instances, Allah Almighty ordered the Muslims to acquire knowledge and learn. Some also said that the meaning of His prayer upon them is His care and concern for them and bringing them out of darkness into nobility and light, as He says in the Quran, . require sincere repentance and good deeds alone will not suffice to wipe them out. A teacher should instill morals in their students and take care of any area of deficiency that might emerge. One of the types of minor shirk is showing off, which is a quality of the hypocrites. Teachers should be allowed to express themselves freely. This is one of many hadiths which strongly encourage being connected to the mosques for the worship of Allah and making them part of our lives. The physical and spiritual needs of teachers must be met. Food and drinks are from Allahs sustenance which He bestows on us. The one who looks after a widow or poor person is like the one who strives in the cause of Allah and I think he also said he is like the one who continuously stands for prayer without slacking and fasts without breaking. There is strong encouragement in this hadith to attend the funeral prayer of your fellow Muslim and to accompany the deceased until he/she is buried. Some opine that this is the meaning of the verse in the Quran, On the Day some of your Lords signs arrive, belief will not benefit those who did not believe earlier or those who did no good through their faith (Quran 6:158). Some scholars opine that the reasons for this could be the following: Whoever repents before the sun rises from the west, Allah will accept his repentance. Allah is the creator and sustainer of all things and people should not associate partners with Him in acts of obedience. In this hadith, the Prophet () is asked about the person most deserving of good companionship among the people and he responds that it is the mother. Furthermore, this hadith encourages Muslims to continuously seek religious knowledge throughout their lives and to prioritize it above worldly pursuits. The best fast after Ramadan is in the month of Allah: Muharram. This hadith emphasizes the importance of remembering Allah frequently in ones daily life. When the believers sincerely spread this greeting among themselves, show it, and act with each other according to it, it leads to harmony and mutual love between them. Ameen The scholars differed whether this is in reference to only those who do this out of arrogance or whether it is generic and applies to all situations with the exception of women. The Prophet in this hadith warns that whoever betrays the Muslims, in whichever manner, then that person is not following Islamic guidance nor the way of the Prophet . Students should be taught how to think appropriately. In this hadith, the Prophet informs us that Allah the Almighty said, I am of those most without need to be associated with partners, which means that Allah is self-sufficient and needs nothing, there is no equal to Him and He alone is the giver. 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