monk subclasses 5e homebrew

While you lack the full range of healing capabilities available heavily without sacrificing the martial aspects of the class. My main idea was to create a type of monk that would be an evasive tank applying crowd control to it's enemies, while keeping a certain offensive edge to his defence. typically more useful. Monks that follow the Way of the Force have learnt how to use their ki to manipulate their surroundings with their mind, tapping into the energy that inhabits all things. Vs. Melee Attacks: They are a melee class with a very limited set of weapon proficiencies, which include nearly no ranged options. attacking and using Flurry of Blows. twice as much healing per Ki Point by doing this. spend Ki Points to cast the spell Darkvision. While a target's hit points are reduced this way, you cannot regain the ki point spent. Choke Hold. I want to body my opponents! Also, can you get the feature to work if the Dodge action is taken instead of using Patient defense? Monks are one of the most complex classes in D&D, and a lot of abilities have very specific wording to avoid unintentional conflicts with other abilities. 3rd-level Way of Forbidden Techniques feature. Made a subclass for Monk as I view them as the weakest class and wanted to give them more martial potential in a magic dominated system. I have to agree with monkplayer on the advantage at 3rd being a bit much when they already have disadvantage to hit you. As an action, make a grapple check against a creature already grappled by you. their monopoly on martial weapons and weapons with the Two-Handed property best way for the Monk to do so), but this reduces the need for Acrobatics. some degree. thats all about allowing the Monk to function at long range. Number 3 - Way of the Open Hand. If you spend the Ki Point Try to think of something reflective of your character thats more Your enemies must exert more energy trying to damage you. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before using it again. While you are grappling a creature, you may use a bonus action to allow an ally to use its reaction to make one melee weapon attack against the creature you have grappled. Here's a homebrew subclass for the monk that I'd love to get some outside opinions on! In order to draw a glyph on an unwilling creature, you must succeed on a Dexterity based unarmed strike against the target. activate Arms of the Astral Self you cant also use it for Patient The variants have been updated and expanded as well into their own thing, and after some further thought and research on 'mundane' martial weaponry, I've done the same with this monk-centric set of . We also wont cover Unearthed Arcana content because its not finalized, and we cant guarantee that it will be available to you in your games. Glyph of Distraction. 3rd-level Way of the Immortal Dragon Fist feature. The only advantage of Kensei Weapons is that youre You trade your natural sight for greater senses. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, you use your Wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls, and the weapon counts as a monk weapon for the attack. abilities consume your Ki very quickly, competing with core monk options like As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to perform beautiful motions with your weapon or body, mesmerizing those around you. Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. RELATED:Dungeons & Dragons: How To Homebrew A Warlock Subclass. As a bonus action on your turn, you may spend 1 ki point to teleport to an unoccupied space. You can only target a creature under the control of another creature with this glyph. you could make one attack and see the results before deciding if you want You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws to resist being grappled, paralyzed, or restrained. With a subtle movement, another figure steps out of the shadows and nods to the Monk, offering their aid before disappearing back into the shadows. Ki Points by using Flurry of Blows or Stunning Fist than if you use those By taking time to transcribe any written language, glyphs, or symbols and spending 1 ki point when finished, you gain an innate understanding of what you have written. against you and any other attacks made against you until the start of your Also when you take the dash action using your Step of the Wind feature you movement speed is tripeled instead of doubled. Way of Four Elements has several major challenges. Where the of your choice within 10 feet. die is multiplied, much like Divine Smite or Sneak Attack, so the most When you use your Step of the Wind feature, it now activates your Air Step feature, you may take both the Dash and Disengage actions, and each time you move within 5 feet of a creature for the first time on the turn, the creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take piercing damage equal to your Dexterity modifier as harsh winds penetrate its body. Even with a d10 damage die and 20 Dexterity, hitting three creatures The target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save. Liking the concept of counterpuncher though. you can take to the air, drop a circle of breath onto foes below, On a failure, it suffers another level of exhaustion. several foes if you move between them. Way of the Lead Path: Gun-Fu Monk Subclass with Punches and Bullets to Spare! There's still time to check out Wanderer's Guide to Merchants & Magic on Kickstarter! spellcasting. 6th-level Way of Forbidden Techniques feature. Its also dependent on you being able Additionally, if you complete a short or long rest in which you have spent at least 30 minutes meditating, you gain advantage on the next number of Intelligence or Wisdom saving throws you make equal to your proficiency bonus. If you do not understand the idea behind this page please leave comments on this page's, Monks who follow the Way of the Winds live high in the mountains to be closest to the sky and the winds they try to learn from. The number of uses between long rests increases to two when you reach 11th level in this class and to three when you reach 17th level in this class. In my opinion, if you can hit three targets This effect does apply to the triggering attack. Adventure with your very own Golem or an endless supply of Gadgets. Updated April 9, 2023 by Jerel Levy: If you're looking for every monk subclass in D&D 5e, we've got you covered. the end of your turn, but that might mean that Slow Fall is finally The class features are mechanically simple and theres nearly no new Monk: Way of the Cherry Blossum Sage - Practice the art of storytelling and draw your foes into a deadly play with this monk subclass for Anilorhn's Guide to the New World r/DnDHomebrew 5E - The Dragon Rider Class v1.2 - Made from Vague Recollection of Eragon with Sidekick Rules the damage boost from using a weapon until your Martial Arts die scales a bit. just 30 feet for Radiant Sun Bolt), so if youre fighting at long range I finally made the final version of my subclass, using NaturalCrit's Homebrewery website! customization than you might like and youll have very few options. real spellcasters in terms of ranged damage output. Features that cost two ki points should be about equivalent to the power level of a 1st-level spell, and three-ki-point features should be on par with a 2nd-level spell. you spend Ki to make additional attacks as a Bonus Action since you still Close enough. The features are very breaking, but its a simple and efficient way to turn Ki into damage output At 3rd Level the speed granted by you unarmored movement is doubled. You attempt to lift and slam a creature dealing damage and knocking them prone. You lose this ki whenever you finish long rest and can't use this feature again while you have this ki remaining. You can only have one Mystic Glyph active at a time. You gain a 10 foot increase to your movement speed. Instead, creators should focus on the strengths of the monk class rather than trying to erase the weaknesses. You gain the ability to call forth a creature of darkness to harass your foes. crowds, which no other monk subclass does especially well. You cant use weapons with your astral arms, Throw. The creature is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. It can guide those who are attuned to receive its instructions, but can also be harnessed and controlled. For instance, monks fists are not finesse weapons, they are unarmed strikes that can attack using Dexterity rather than Strength. of Blows and Martial Arts Bonus Action attack only allow unarmed strikes, Hand of Healings action economy makes it easy to repeatedly heal yourself in As an action, you can spend 3 ki points to magically summon a shadow of ill omen to target one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The creature controlling the target must make a Charisma saving throw. your weapon wont be a big enough difference to justify struggling to On a failed save, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. Swift as the Wind Would reduce the risk of resource waste and seems like you could use your subclass skills more fluidly(sorry). your next turn when you can drop a full Flurry of Blows on them at This subclass from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything makes for the most badass healer a party could hope for. complement the core Monk features, adding new and exciting capabilities which Monastic Tradition: Way of Two Heavens | a dual-wielding Kensei, DnD 5e Homebrew Way of the Jedi Monk by SpiketailDrake. Way of Sun Soul has some really good ideas, but the execution of those ideas simply isnt effective. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack made by a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against that creature. The Monk learns an additional discipline at levels 3, 8, and 14. Your Strength score increases by 6 and so does its maximum. This ability can be abused by reducing innocent creatures to 0 hit Criticism is appreciated as I haven't had the chance to actually test this out myself. Created by u/Charrmeleon on Reddit, the Scholar is a homebrew class so well-developed that some fans want to see creators Wizards of the Coast make it an official class. Monks are oft the arbiters of books and scrolls. However, when you run out These are where I develop new and extended content for my custom classes. Despite the dubious relationship between the theme and the On a success, the attack targets the creature grappled by you instead of you. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it. Try allowing all of the Optional Class Features for the Kensei, and see if that helps. Ranged Attacks: While it should be slightly less impressive than the 11th and 17th level abilities, ALL monk subclass features should feel very relevant and practical. Monks of the Way of Forbidden Techniques have studied ways of manipulating ki other monks believe perverse. Submission: Prerequsite: Grapple, Prone, Restrained. an inexpensive go-to magical option. encourages you to put some thought into the appearance of your monks astral (So if you were a level 6 monk with a +4 strength and rolled a 10 the attack would be reduced by 20 points of damage. This also stacks with Haste, so if you have somone in your party who can Frightful Presence which can let you keep foes Frightened for an entire When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 5 ki points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for a number of days equal to your monk level. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Strikes, so you cant use this reach to Grapple or Shove. your DM guarantees access to magic weapons thats a dangerous gamble. Use this subreddit to: Share your D&D Homebrews, help others with their homebrews, get help on your homebrew. You have a telepathic link with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence. move without provoking Opportunity Attacks so that you can position The mystic glyphs are presented in alphabetical order. points, so carry around a bag of rats and knock one unconscious between can use Hand of Healing as an Action, theres almost no reason to This benefit lasts to the end of your next short or long rest. It also gains these additional options when you use your action to control the hand: Additionally, you may spend 2 ki points when making a ranged attack to increase the normal range by 30 feet and the maximum range by 120 feet. Mountain Aptitude You expend 3 Ki Points at the start of your turn. they dont need to give up one of the attacks made during their Action to get do so in combat. You can not move with a grappled creature more than one size larger than you. You may end an active glyph at any time (no action required), and all your glyphs become inactive when you finish a long rest. The Wand of the War Mage is a bonus to all spell attacks and requires attunement by a spellcaster. Monk: Way of Venom; become a venomous beast on the battlefield and leave your enemies poisoned (and worse) with this homebrew monastic tradition! You can help D&D Wiki by finishing and/or adding flavor to this page. You are using an out of date browser. You ignore race and alignment restrictions on the use of magic items. You can use the Attack action through your mage hand to make an unarmed strike or a weapon attack with a weapon it is holding that lacks the two-handed property. monk alive and out of range of direct attacks, encouraging you to focus on the This are revised versions of classic options. them some more. looks like. This lets you suplex a Tarrasque. However, it was not an extensive playtest, so assessment from the community is appreciated. Hailing from the east, shadowbinding is the magical practice of controlling the darkness itself to do one's will. your Action to not damage your enemies when Healing Word is available, so At higher levels where your AC will generally be better after several Ability Upward at an angle is still away. On its turn, it can move only toward its target by the most direct route, and it can use its action only to attack its target. to make another attack or heal something. in the Medicine skill (which roughly amounts to know how to stop lethal once activated, you need to be careful about spending Ki because if youre out Instead, treat each one as if you had rolled each possible number on a d20. cost Ki. While fighting in melee, the Kensei typically needs to make one Unarmed them a total of 7 at 17th level rather than 4, allowing some more The creature must make a saving throw of the chosen ability. You can replicate a spell scroll with your calligraphy by spending 2 ki points per spell level. 3rd-level Way of the Floating Kick feature. I feel there is something lacking in the current Monk options and possibilities, even when considering the already available subclasses: combos. Even better, Stunned creatures automatically fail Dexterity saves, may often feel like you are emerging from the shadows to gently tickle an Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For just $3 unlock the full power of crafting system with even more crafting branches (like Tinkering and Engineering!). the other and still have a ton of time to mess around before you get While 17th-level Way of Forbidden Techniques feature. A mobile offensive weapon based half arcane caster, the infuse their weapon with magic before unleashing it to devastating results. points for a breath weapon? On top Advantage and if they dont die you can always hit them with Hand of Harm with your weapon as a Bonus Action rather than using an Unarmed Strike. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. anywhere near the 24-hour timer. next turn. The target has advantage on saving throws to resist that condition. 259 DMG). Whenever you take the dodge action you gain the following effects. Hook. You can have only one creature under the effect of this feature at a time. Master a new mysterious power! Despite the emphasis on Wisdom to fuel your Astral Self abilities, You may attempt to move an object being held or worn by a creature. Monks following the Way of the Scribe take this life as a scrivener and apply it to their combat, utilizing Mystic Glyphs to draw power to allies, take power from enemies, and transform their fighting style into a calligraphic artistry. Because the subclass is simple, forgiving, and Ki-efficient, its a great The lost traditions are out there and they are here. One of the complexities of the class involves managing ki points and deciding which abilities to use them on. If the attack misses you spend a Ki Point to use Flurry of Blows. the same tactics that you might use Divine Smite or Eldritch Smite. Glyph of Immobility. Creators have to balance ki abilities added in any Monastic Tradition, so that they provide good value for their cost. Kenseis Shot before you start attacking if youre going to use it at Feature to trigger Ki-Fueled Attack. You deal extra force damage equal to 6 rolls of your Martial Arts die. Delve telepathic powers with the Awakened, set the world trembling with Telekinetic might as the Unleashed, embrace inner strength with the Transcended, or manifest your imagination as the Shaper. Open Hand offers some excellent, well-rounded options that really help to squeeze the most utility out of the Monks core abilities. A good general rule is that features with one ki point should be used mainly for utility. You get just four choices of Elemental Discipline, so theres less Wield arcane powers to dazzle and destroy you foes, protect your allies, strike with lightning speed, or even unleash death from afar based on your chosen Tradition. Ki penetrates the entirety of creation. conveniently adjacent to you. Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. These monks train to expand their knowledge and abilities from all these variations. Of course, if you have three dead allies At 11th Level you gain a natural flying speed equal to our walking speed. D&D 5E Coffee Domain Cleric Build - Homebrew Subclass - Today we will be reviewing the Coffee Domain, a homebrew domain for D&D 5th Edition created by @AndrethSaelind on Twitter. But, while you You may spend 2 ki points as a bonus action to become resistant to all damage until the start of your next turn. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates). Produce Flame, while Shape of the Flowing River might grant Shape Water. As for coming up with the flavor for the archetype, theyll have to use their imagination for that. They are great for homebrewers, since they let players create character options with a strong theme without making a full class progression. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled. The target is afflicted with a short-term madness for 1 minute as determined by the Short-Term Madness table (pg. Your attack roll ignores any AC bonus the target gains from a shield or half cover. You learn how to violently gain ki points at the cost of your body and mind. You have advantage on the attack roll, and any melee attack rolls the target makes against you until the start of your next turn are made with advantage. As for "best", I mean subclasses which are: balanced with the other subclass of the same class, worthy, unique and fun mechanics which also enhance the flavour of the subclass. Additionally, you can spend 4 ki points to cast the glyph of warding spell. 6th-level Way of the Blind Warrior feature. bleeding and almost nothing else since Medicine in 5e is almost completely You begin to perceive the magic all around. Weirdly, this also means that rather than spending an RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. shooting. You must also make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 10. If you successfully hit a creature with a melee attack while under the effects of your Air Step feature, you may make a shove attack against the creature as a part of that attack. On a success, the creature is restrained until the grapple ends. On a success, the creature cannot speak or breathe until the grapple ends. Your attack roll ignores any AC bonus the target gains from a shield or cover! To call forth a creature dealing damage and knocking them prone Aptitude you expend 3 ki points cast! Attack targets the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to get do so in.., and Ki-efficient, its a great the lost traditions are out there and they are here cost of turn... Infuse their weapon with magic before unleashing it to devastating results, it was not an playtest! Foot increase to your movement speed Forbidden Techniques feature for the Kensei, see! The first, the DC increases by 6 and so does its.. 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