google apps script get data from spreadsheet

If this seems annoying, it certainly can be. The criteria is met when a date is equal to the given value. the protected range or sheet. Jeff. Returns whether the given row is hidden by a filter (not a filter view). Access and modify existing data source sheet. Sets whether to show total values for this pivot group in the table. Sets whether or not the text is underlined. Sets the data validation rules for all cells in the range. Sets a rectangular grid of font colors (must match dimensions of this range). Step 1 Create a new Google Sheets spreadsheet or open an existing spreadsheet Step 2 Create a custom menu that will let users choose where to import the CSV file from: Google Drive or from a URL Step 3 Prompt the user for the URL or for the Google Drive Filename Step 4 Import the CSV file into a new sheet in the spreadsheet Merges the cells in the range together into a single block. Gets the color set for the maximum value of this gradient condition. Returns all cells matching the search criteria. message, that stays visible for a certain length of time. See also the guide to storing data in spreadsheets. This page describes the basics of using the spreadsheets.values resource. Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is equal to the given date. Sets the active selection region for this sheet. How would I go about getting the information from the returned row into the email? specified numbers. thanks for the tutorial! array representing the protection on the sheet itself. Returns the foreground color used as a filter criteria. from the current range by the given rows and columns, and with the given height and width in Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified ID. That would prevent you from having to load all of the 300 rows into memory. Sets a rectangular grid of horizontal alignments. Sets the filter criteria to show cells with text that's equal to any of the specified text Hi, That function only exists on a Range object, not on the values inside of that Range, which is what we extract into the rows variable. Determines if the protected area is using "warning based" protection. Google Apps Script Spreadsheet reference (a very detailed and well written documentation) In order to query the data from Google Analytics we need the below function. Returns a new range that is offset from this range by the given number of rows and columns Configures the search to consider intersecting locations that have metadata. Take a look at this little function, that attempts to get and access the same value using those two conventions. Returns all over-the-grid images on the sheet. Gets the end index of this value in the cell. Updates the data source specification and refreshes the linked. At the end of the day, this is what our rows variable looks like after calling the above methods: The 2D array structure of rows is one outer array that corresponds to the data range of the sheet. Trims the whitespace (such as spaces, tabs, or new lines) in every cell in this range. You can also modify the above function as follows to get data range dynamic from the content present in sheet: function getDataSheet () { sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet (); //Get data range based on content var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange (); // Fetch values for each row in the Range. Sets the background color used as filter criteria. There are twelve columns. Returns whether the text in the cell wraps. Returns the merge strategy used when more than one range exists. Limits this search to consider only metadata that match the specified key. Sets the style to use for curves in the chart. Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is after the given value. An enumeration of the possible paste types. Returns whether the column has an array dependency. the maximum extent of values in cols/rows), and then return those values as a two dimensional array: The better you understand how to work with arrays in JavaScript, the more sense this data structure will make. Returns the strategy to use for handling hidden rows and columns. Shows a popup window in the lower right corner of the spreadsheet with the given message. Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input ends with the given value. Sets a rectangular grid of font families (must match dimensions of this range). Requires that the input contains the given value. after the provided number of seconds. Adds a new pivot value based on the specified data source column with the specified summarize Returns the unique ID associated with this developer metadata. Access and modify protected ranges and sheets. Sets the data validation rule to require that the input contains the given value. This outer array contains an array for each row in the data range. Sets the filter criteria to show cells with a number that's less than the specified number. the maximum extent of values in cols/rows), and then return those values as a two dimensional array: var rows = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getDataRange().getValues(); i got type error. Gets the line style of the cell in the top-left corner of the range (, Gets the line style of the cells in the range (. Returns an ordered list of the row groups in this pivot table. An enumeration of the possible banding themes. Hi, I dont know if you are still monitoring this, but I used the code in the example above and I return a single row as planned from the sheet in filter rows. The position where the control toggle is after the group (at higher indices). The criteria is met when a number that is greater than or equal to the given value. The chart's left side is anchored in this column. Returns the data validation rule for the top-left cell in the range. Sets whether or not this protected range is using "warning based" protection. Adds developer metadata with the specified key to the sheet. Sets the filter criteria to show cells that aren't equal to the specified date. Removes all the columns in the data source table. This help content & information General Help Center experience. Group date-time by hour using a 24-hour system, from 0 to 23. Returns the maximum number of iterations to use during iterative calculation. Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is in the form of an email address. The code editor offers functionalities such as writing, running, debugging, and deployment of script code. Sets the cell where an image is anchored. Sets the column index and filtering criteria of the slicer. Sets the second alternating color in the banding. six rows tall), and the last parameter tells the function how wide the Range will be (e.g. Applies a specified column banding theme to the range with specified header and footer Gets the interpolation type for the mid-point value of this gradient condition. Returns the background color used for sorting, or. Sets the active sheet in a spreadsheet, with the option to restore the most recent selection Require a number that is greater than the given value. Auto resizes the width of the specified column. Returns the calculation interval for this spreadsheet. Returns the IDs of the target audiences that can edit the protected range. function. Copies this filter criteria and creates a criteria builder that you can apply to another Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number less than or equal to the given And this inner array contains all of the values available for that particular row. specified values. Expands all row groups up to the given depth, and collapses all others. The criteria is met when a date is before the relative date value. Returns the text rotation settings for the top left cell of the range. Unhides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index. After that, you can use the forEach method to loop over your filtered array and call the code to send each email, something like filteredDataSets.forEach(sendEmail(data)). We'll use the SpreadsheetService to load our spreadsheet by ID and read the blog posts. You should be able to get the data from any spreadsheet by referencing it using SpreadsheetApp.openById method: } Refreshes the data of this object regardless of the current state. In addition to using getDataRange().getValues() to get all of the values in the sheet, we can be more specific with the rows we return from these queries using a variant of the getRange method. The values we have stored in the rows variable correspond to this shape in our spreadsheet: If we log out the value of rows using the last select statement, we get a 2D array that looks like this: From here we can manipulate the array however we want using JavaScript to execute additional parts of your program. Returns a list of all possible theme color types for the current theme. Creates a new spreadsheet with the given name and the specified number of rows and columns. Makes the vertical axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). Gets a unique identifier for this spreadsheet. Returns the number of sheets in this spreadsheet. chart or. Hi Kamal, that sounds like a pretty interesting problem. Sets text underlining for the conditional format rule's format. The callback function can also supply an optional index argument, if you want to compare symmetric arrays. Use this class to modify existing filters on. Creating a Google Apps script with Spreadsheet The process of creating a Google Apps Script with spreadsheet is as follows: Create a New Spreadsheet Click on "Tools->Script Editor" You will see an editor window in a new tab There are several Classes and Methods available for writing the script. Sets the second column color that is alternating. Gets the count limit on rows or columns in the pivot group. Inserts a new sheet into the spreadsheet with the given name at the given index. values. Sorts the filtered range by the specified column, excluding the first row (the header row) in An enumeration of the types of developer metadata location types. function returnBook(e){ value in the rule's ranges. applied in the slicer, or. Returns the Rich Text value for the top left cell of the range, or. Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. Returns the range with the top left cell at the given coordinates. Returns all the columns in the data source. The location type for developer metadata associated with the top-level spreadsheet. Adds the given user to the list of editors for the, Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the. Easily analyze Google Forms data in Sheets, or embed Sheets charts in Google Slides and Docs. Sign up for the Google for Developers newsletter, Range.setBorder(top, left, bottom, right, vertical, horizontal, color, style), setParameterFromCell(parameterName, sourceCell), setGradientMaxpointObjectWithValue(color, type, value), setGradientMaxpointWithValue(color, type, value), setGradientMidpointObjectWithValue(color, type, value), setGradientMidpointWithValue(color, type, value), setGradientMinpointObjectWithValue(color, type, value), setGradientMinpointWithValue(color, type, value), updateSpec(spec, refreshAllLinkedObjects), waitForAllDataExecutionsCompletion(timeoutInSeconds), addPivotValue(columnName, summarizeFunction), getSheetValues(columnName, startRow, numRows), requireCheckbox(checkedValue, uncheckedValue), requireNumberGreaterThanOrEqualTo(number), setPosition(anchorRowPos, anchorColPos, offsetX, offsetY), removeColumnFilterCriteria(columnPosition), setColumnFilterCriteria(columnPosition, filterCriteria), setVisibleBackgroundColor(visibleBackgroundColor), setVisibleForegroundColor(visibleForegroundColor), addManualGroupingRule(groupName, groupMembers), setDateTimeGroupingRule(dateTimeGroupingRuleType), setHistogramGroupingRule(minValue, maxValue, intervalSize), addFilter(sourceDataColumn, filterCriteria), addPivotValue(sourceDataColumn, summarizeFunction), addDeveloperMetadata(key, value, visibility), applyColumnBanding(bandingTheme, showHeader, showFooter), applyRowBanding(bandingTheme, showHeader, showFooter), copyFormatToRange(gridId, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd), copyFormatToRange(sheet, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd), copyTo(destination, copyPasteType, transposed), copyValuesToRange(gridId, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd), copyValuesToRange(sheet, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd), insertCheckboxes(checkedValue, uncheckedValue), offset(rowOffset, columnOffset, numRows, numColumns), setBorder(top, left, bottom, right, vertical, horizontal), setBorder(top, left, bottom, right, vertical, horizontal, color, style), setLinkUrl(startOffset, endOffset, linkUrl), setTextStyle(startOffset, endOffset, textStyle), autoResizeColumns(startColumn, numColumns), getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns), getSheetValues(startRow, startColumn, numRows, numColumns), insertColumnsAfter(afterPosition, howMany), insertColumnsBefore(beforePosition, howMany), insertImage(blobSource, column, row, offsetX, offsetY), insertImage(url, column, row, offsetX, offsetY), insertRowsBefore(beforePosition, howMany), insertSlicer(range, anchorRowPos, anchorColPos), insertSlicer(range, anchorRowPos, anchorColPos, offsetX, offsetY), moveColumns(columnSpec, destinationIndex), setColumnWidths(startColumn, numColumns, width), setRowHeightsForced(startRow, numRows, height), setApplyToPivotTables(applyToPivotTables), setTitleHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment), getIterativeCalculationConvergenceThreshold(), insertSheet(sheetName, sheetIndex, options), setIterativeCalculationConvergenceThreshold(minThreshold), setIterativeCalculationEnabled(isEnabled), setMaxIterativeCalculationCycles(maxIterations), setRecalculationInterval(recalculationInterval), setActiveSpreadsheet(newActiveSpreadsheet), setConcreteColor(themeColorType, red, green, blue). Project-visible metadata is only visible to and accessible by the developer project that Creates a builder that turns an image into an image value type so that you can place it into a Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when the cell is not empty. Sets the filter criteria to show cells with a number that isn't equal to any of the specified The direction of decreasing column indices. I cant be certain without looking at your code, which you are more than welcome to post here for review, but my guess is they Type error is because using SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getDataRange().getValues(); gets the values from the Spreadsheet, where you need to call setBackground on a Range object. Access the text rotation settings for a cell. Open a blank sheet in Google Sheets, and click on App Scripts from the Extensions menu. Sets the data validation rule to require a date equal to the given value. this range. Sets the text for this value and clears any existing text style. Returns the currently active spreadsheet, or, Returns the current (highlighted) cell that is selected in one of the active ranges in the The refresh applies to all data sources in the spreadsheet. Constructs a conditional format rule from the settings applied to the builder. Use this class to get information about or copy the criteria on existing filters. Moves this developer metadata to the specified sheet. Apps Script is a scripting platform developed by Google for light-weight application development in the G Suite platform. Creates an empty data source table from the data source, anchored at the first cell in this Google Apps Script: How to get Spreadsheet saperis 20.9K subscribers 10K views 2 years ago SWITZERLAND How can you get a spreadsheet with Google Apps Script? Gets whether or not the cell is underlined. Sets the merge strategy to use when more than one range exists. Returns the data source column the filter operates on. Inserts a row after the given row position. Sets the active selection, as specified in A1 notation or R1C1 notation. Hey Ian, Always great to hear that from someone starting out. Sets the conditional format rule's gradient maxpoint fields. Returns the ranges that this chart uses as a data source. An enumeration of the possible dimensions of a spreadsheet. In Google Sheets and Google Apps Script, you can start to envision the entire spreadsheet as a giant 2D array. Sets the horizontal pixel offset from the anchor cell. Gets the color set for the midpoint value of this gradient condition. Sets the data validation rule to require a number not equal to the given value. books.forEach(function(book, index){ Sets the conditional conditional format rule to trigger when a number less than the given We can fairly easily accomplish this pattern using a forEach loop on the result we get back from the data selection function above. Requires a date that is before the given value. The user does not have access to the database referenced by the data source. Gets the days of the week on which to refresh the data source. dates. Enables data execution for all types of data sources. Returns the text wrapping strategy for the top left cell of the range. Returns the text style of the slicer's title. Sets the data validation rule to require that the input is equal to a value in the given range, Executes this search and returns the matching metadata. Gets the time the data last successfully refreshed. number. Sets/updates the range for this named range. The data execution returns values that exceed the maximum characters allowed in a single cell. Great that you caught it. Returns the ID of the sheet represented by this object. Sets filter criteria that shows cells with dates that are equal to the specified relative date. Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a number is greater than or equal to the given You can include grid data in one of 2 ways: Specify a. Return the data inside this object as a blob. Sets the key of this developer metadata to the specified value. Requires that the input does not contain the given value. Collapses all groups that are wholly contained within the range. Refreshes all supported data sources and their linked data source objects, skipping invalid Removes rows within this range that contain values that are duplicates of values in any Returns the URL for the given spreadsheet. You can get the code or the sample. Sets the given sheet to be the active sheet in the spreadsheet. Enables data execution for BigQuery data source. The criteria is met when a number that is between the given values. }), Not sure why but an error message .isBlank() not a function popped out. I am just learning JS and Google Script. Sets the pivot group limit on the pivot group. Gets the refresh schedule frequency, which specifies how often and when to refresh. var Warning_Date = new Date(Today.getTime() + (One_Day * 4)); Now when a user fills the form (m001,b001,return) a row will be added to Transaction. Sets/updates the name of the named range. arguments. Appends a row to the bottom of the current data region in the sheet. Get the developer metadata associated with this range. Sets the minimum threshold value for iterative calculation. The following spreadsheet-bound script can be adapted to your use. Returns an ordered list of the filters in this pivot table. Removes the manual grouping rule with the specified. Return the data inside this object as a DataTable. Gets the refresh schedules of this spreadsheet. The data source refresh scope is unsupported. Dates that fall within the past year period. Adds developer metadata with the specified key and visibility to the sheet. Associates the protected range with an existing named range. Recalculate only when values are changed. Sets the font color in CSS notation (such as. The criteria is met when the input is equal to the given value. Inserts a number of columns after the given column position. Assigns the function with the specified function name to this image. You can also. Sets the help text that appears when the user hovers over the cell on which data validation is Returns an ordered list of the column groups in this pivot table. Deletes a named range with the given name. Returns the pivot group limit on the pivot group. Apps Script - Season 1 | Spreadsheet Service Get Range & Values - Apps Script | Spreadsheet Service ~ Episode 1.3 David Weiss 5.32K subscribers Subscribe 212 18K views 2 years ago Hey. In other words, if you have 3 rows of data and 15 columns, that will construct the bounds of your data range even if all rows dont have those cells filled in. Access the general settings of an existing data source spec. An enumeration of possible developer metadata location types. Returns the selected range in the active sheet, or, Returns the list of active ranges in the active sheet or. Sets the position, changing where the chart appears on the sheet. Determines whether the user has permission to edit every cell in the range. Access the existing BigQuery data source specification. Creates an object that can protect the range from being edited except by users who have Returns the name of the function assigned to this image. the given options. However, feel free to find one that suits your needs. cell is empty or doesn't contain a formula. Sets the filter criteria for this pivot filter. Sets the background to the given color using RGB values (integers between 0 and 255 inclusive). Returns the text style for the top left cell of the range. Returns all the values for the data source sheet for the provided column name. Technically, we could also do that similar to the conditional logic in the example above, i.e. the spreadsheet. Gets the days of the month as numbers (1-28) on which to refresh the data source. Configures the search to start searching immediately after the specified cell range. rows.forEach(function(row, index) { A great example of that is how both JavaScript arrays and Google Sheets apply indexing. Adds a new pivot column group based on the specified data source column. Returns the background color of the top-left cell in the range. i managed to return the rows with certain condition, however how do i perform formatting of that row? Sets the display name for this value in the pivot table. Group date-time by day and month, for example. if (row[0] === emp) {. Returns the display type describing how this pivot value is currently displayed in the table. Gets an array of objects representing all protected ranges in the sheet, or a single-element Returns the calculated column in the data source that matches the column name. Sets the color of the footer row in the banding. Sets the filter criteria for this filter. An enumeration of the positions that the group control toggle can be in. Determines whether the end of the range is bound to a particular column. However, when trying to populate that range into the form, I get an error for having an empty cell within that range on the form questions. permission. Sets the height of the given rows in pixels. Sets whether the chart's rows and columns are transposed. Returns the font weights of the cells in the range. the left-most column. Inserts a new sheet in the spreadsheet, creates a. When the script is run, two input boxes will appear: The first one asks the user to input the name of a sheet to hold the data (if the spreadsheet does not exist, the function creates it). Defines a new pivot value in the pivot table with the specified. Gets the color set for the minimum value of this gradient condition. An enumeration of conditional format gradient interpolation types. Returns the text rotation settings for the cells in the range. Group date-time by day of month, from 1 to 31. Access the chart's position within a sheet. The possibilities are endless. Clears the data validation rules for each. The chart's upper left hand corner is offset from the anchor column by this many pixels. A data source type that is not supported in Apps Script. A data execution state is not supported in Apps Script. The database referenced by the data source is not found. Removes the given user from the list of editors for the. Removes the sort spec on a column in the data source sheet. The thing I cant figure out is that getValues() creates a 2D array, but fetchAll() needs a 1D array. Sets the background color for the conditional format rule's format. The criteria is met when a number that is less than or equal to the given value. Sets the border property with color and/or style for each, Sets the text direction for the cells in each, Sets the text rotation settings for the cells in each, Sets whether or not to stack the text for the cells for each. with an option to hide the dropdown menu. Hides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index. ReferenceError: logger is not defined The criteria is met when a number that is greater than the given value. Requires that the input is equal to one of the given values. Makes the horizontal axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). Sets the given sheet to be the active sheet in the spreadsheet, with an option to restore the Returns the data source sheet as a regular sheet object. Inserts an image in the document at a given row and column, with a pixel offset. range. Sets filter criteria that shows cells with dates that are after the specified date. Constructs a data validation rule from the settings applied to the builder. Sets the data validation rule to require a date that falls between, or is either of, two Creates an object that can protect the sheet from being edited except by users who have Returns the horizontal pixel offset from the anchor cell. Access and modify pivot table breakout groups. data source objects. Adds developer metadata with the specified key, value, and visibility to the sheet. Break all horizontally- or vertically-merged cells contained within the range list into Requires that the input makes the given formula evaluate to. I am looking to remove a drop down selection on a form based of responses from said form. Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when that the input does not contain the given Removes the filter criteria from the specified column. Creates a text finder for the sheet, which can find and replace text within the sheet. permission. Returns whether the given column is hidden by the user. How do I improv the speed of fetching data. Access and modify an existing data source table filter. An enumeration of functions that summarize pivot table data. Gets all the sort specs in the data source sheet. var isitreallyBlank = row[5].isBlank(); Refresh monthly, on given days of the month. Returns the current (highlighted) cell that is selected in one of the active ranges or. Opens the spreadsheet that corresponds to the given File object. Sets the conditional format rule to trigger when a date is equal to the given relative date. Sets the color of the last column in the banding. This approach requires writing some JavaScript code that could pull data from Google Spreadsheet to a website. Returns the horizontal alignments of the cells in the range. Returns the key associated with this developer metadata. Returns the row limit for the data source table. Gets the data source column the sort spec acts on. add features like menus, dialogs, and sidebars. Clip lines that are longer than the cell width. var emailRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(Brand & Upweight).getRange(B1); A sheet containing a single embedded object such as an, Returns the column position (relative to the data range of the slicer) on which the filter is Returns the foreground color used for sorting, or. Adds the given user to the list of editors for the protected sheet or range. A data execution error code that is not supported in Apps Script. Sets whether to sort columns when the user clicks a column heading. Spreadsheet Service This service allows scripts to create, access, and modify Google Sheets files. catalogSheet.getRange(returnedBookIndex + 1, 2).setValue('AVAILABLE') The concept of data range is important since some rows may not have data in all columns, so blank values will be included where there is nothing present. Gets information about where the slicer is positioned in the sheet. The data execution returns more columns than the limit. Returns a rule builder preset with this rule's settings. Instead, think of them as macros that perform system-wide functions. Returns the data source sheets associated with this data source. Inserts a number of rows after the given row position. Removes all ranges from the chart this builder modifies. Sets the visibility of this developer metadata to the specified visibility. Returns the font family of the cell in the top-left corner of the range. Thanks, Gets the mid-point value of this gradient condition. Thanks for reading! Hi, thanks for the clear and thorough explanation! From there, you just have to worry about passing in the row and accessing the values within each row. Gets whether or not the cell has strikethrough. Sets a rectangular grid of line styles (must match dimensions of this range). Clears the data validation rules for the range. 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