goliad massacre list of victims

Westover, Ira, Moncur, James Fisher, William S. , - Col. James W. Fannin, Jr. Command, Sweeny (Sweeney), John Here are the names and pictures of the 27 victims, including 20 children, who were murdered that day. Coe (Coel), Philip , , Wigginton (Winginton) (Capt. King, Amon B., Duncan, Peter , (Col) Geo. JOHN CRITTENDEN DUVAL: THE LAST SURVIVOR OF THE GOLIAD MASSACRE. (Capt. FAMOUS TEXANS AND VISITORS Major), Comm. Rather than see his force annihilated, Fannin surrendered. Howth, W.E. Kuykendall, Gibson , The Museum's Database of Holocaust Survivor and Victim Names contains records on people persecuted during World War II under the Nazi regime including Jews, Roma and Sinti, Poles and other Slavic peoples, Soviet prisoners of war, persons with disabilities, political prisoners, trade union leaders, "subversive" artists, those Catholic and Lutheran Mailing Address: (Lt. Col.), MILAM, COUNTY, TEXAS Highbank Webpage and History If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. By March of 1836, he was in command of some 350 men in Goliad. , Harbert Davenport and Craig H. Roell, Wyatt, P.S.,V North American Indian Books Pedro (Luis?) Gift [12] Led to believe that they would be paroled and released into the United States, they were returned to the fort at Goliad, now their prison. , Comm. Lewellyn, Thos., The 27 victims of the massacre are . Native American Jewelry. Coca Cola, Disney, and related Collectibles Ravill, B.F., History of Reagan, Texas Strickland, Wm, J.E., (Lt Col), History of Busksnort and Marlin, Texas Snively, Jacob/ Nelson, David S. Cowboys of the Silver Screen. Fannin Memorial Monument at Presidio la Baha Hours: Daily, sunrise to sunset 217 US-183, East of Presidio La Bahia on Lopez Rd, Goliad, TX Visit Website Read Audio Transcript SITE MAP PREVIOUS SITES NEXT Lamar, Mirabeau B./ The largest group, including what remained of Ward's Georgia Battalion and Capt. Finch, Mat (2 Lt.), N.,< Capt. Allen, John M. (Actg. Urrea took his prisoners to Goliad, where he received an order from Santa Anna to execute them. Hart, John , The location of the gravesite was forgotten until years later, when human bone fragments were discovered by a group of boys. About 26 men were retained at Victoria as laborers, but 55 prisoners were marched into Goliad, on March 25th. Pierson, J.G.W Gift General George Custer Smith, John, This is featured in his collected poems titled Leaves of Grass. H. , North American Indian Books The two-day Battle of Coleto ensued, with the Texians holding their own on the first day. Fannin, J.W., Jr. (Col) , , Fannin, who could not have done much else-Urrea had received reinforcements and artillery that would have devastated the Texan position in an open prairie on ground lower than the Mexican lines-accepted Urrea's proposals but did not inform his men of the conditional nature of these terms. In obedience to Santa Annas orders, on this day in 1836 Urrea ordered his men to open fire on Fannin and his soldiers, along with about 100 other captured Texans. Cleveland, H.W. Somerville, Alexander (Lt. Col.), Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the U.S. Rosenda Mega, "47 years old, American citizen, born at Fort Davis, Texas, but residing at Van. Sam Houston-Early-day Texas History Galaspy, _____ (Capt) , Only twenty-eight escaped the firing squads, and twenty more were spared as physicians, orderlies, interpreters, or mechanics largely because of the entreaties of a "high bred beauty" whom the Texans called the "Angel of Goliad" (see ALAVEZ, FRANCITA), and the brave and kindly intervention of Col. Francisco Garay. Texas history remembering the massacre at Goliad Bridges: Remembering the massacre at Goliad KEN BRIDGES The month of March 1836 began with high hopes and idealism for Texas forces trying. Harbert Davenport and Craig H. Roell, "GOLIAD MASSACRE,", Craig H. Roell, "MILLER, WILLIAM PARSONS,", http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fho62, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/qeg02, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fmi30, "Goliad State Park & Historic Site Goliad Area Historic Sites Texas Parks & Wildlife Department", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Goliad_massacre&oldid=1146808704, This page was last edited on 27 March 2023, at 02:20. Historic Liberty Hill Cemetery Listing. Ordered to retreat to Victoria following the Battle of the Alamo, Fannin and all of his men were captured by the advancing Mexican army. Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the U.S. Indian Treaty Signed With the Comanches, Kiowas, and Apaches in 1867. Long, 1990, p. 280 states that Ward and 120 men from his Georgia Battalion were captured by Urrea's force. Aaron Salter . (Lt. Comm. Pleasant Grove, Falls County, Tx Webpage of the 1812 Louisiana killed in was cited.3,) Travis for DespWlier "Immortal 32" battle bravery. Urrea wrote in his diary that he "wished to elude these orders as far as possible without compromising my personal responsibility." The gist of these was that Fannin and his men, including his officers and the wounded, should be treated as prisoners of war according to the usages of civilized nations and, as soon as possible, paroled and returned to the United States. The massacre of the soldiers captured at Goliad by the Mexican army at the orders of Santa Anna provided inspiration and determination for Sam Houston's ill-trained troops as they rose to great heights and defeated the army of Santa Anna at Goliad. Hays, William Rufus C. Volunteer Texas Army ), Holmes, James L. , The Goliad massacre was an event of the Texas Revolution that occurred on March 27, 1836, following the Battle of Refugio and the Battle of Coleto; 425 . Fort Tumbleweed and forttumbleweed are trademarks belonging to Leonard Kubiak. Asta Daikite, 35. Flores, Salvador , Transferred ), [13][18], The next day, Palm Sunday, March 27, 1836, Portilla had between 425 and 445 Texians marched from Fort Defiance in three columns on the Bexar Road, San Patricio Road, and the Victoria Road, between two rows of Mexican soldiers; they were shot point blank. Johnson (Reagan)Cemetery Listing He joined the Texas army as a private in the Red Rovers, and served under James W. Fannin. Swisher, James G., Their freedom had been promised if they gave up their arms. (Lt. Typing our address directly into a map search may misdirect you. Four weeks elapsed between their capture and their execution, enabling Santa Anna to gauge in advance the reaction of New Orleans to their fate. Sharp, John (1 Lt.), But Portilla's volleys at Goliad, together with the fall of the Alamo, branded both Santa Anna and the Mexican people with a reputation for cruelty and aroused the fury of the people of Texas, the United States, and even Great Britain and France, thus considerably promoting the success of the Texas Revolution. Graham, Wm. ), Kathryn Stoner O'Connor, The Presidio La Baha del Espritu Santo de Ziga, 1721 to 1846 (Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1966). , Breece, Thomas H. , 1st Lt.) , John J. Linn, Reminiscences of Fifty Years in Texas (New York: Sadlier, 1883; 2d ed., Austin: Steck, 1935; rpt., Austin: State House, 1986). HISTORY OF TRANSPORTATION Great Old West Links, Hitchcock, S. Henry, Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. Lockhart, Byrd , Governor John Conally Number of victims of the worst mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and January 2023. Billingsley, Jesse , Hog Island (Reagan) Cemetery Listing B. Clapp, Elisha , (Capt. The men surrendered under the belief they would be set free within a few weeks, however this was not to be. ), Switzer (Capt. Slaughter at Goliad: The Mexican Massacre of 400 Texas Volunteers. Capt. [13] Albert Clinton Horton and his company had been acting as the advance and rear guards for Fannin's company. The Goliad massacre was an event of the Texas Revolution that occurred on March 27, 1836, following the Battle of Refugio and the Battle of Coleto; 425-445 prisoners of war from the Texian Army of the Republic of Texas were executed by the Mexican Army in the town of Goliad, Texas. Teddy Bear World Edward (Col.), Texas Declaration of Independence (1836). The Goliad Massacre In many ways the more famous of the Texas Independence battles involving Goliad. Fannin's men had agreed upon and reduced to writing the terms upon which they proposed to capitulate. Wallace, Benjn. ), Irvine, R.B. History of the Hesston Belt Buckle. Many of those who eventually escaped were first recaptured and later managed a second escape. Speakman (Sgt., Commy. Civil Society Lone Star Life Texas History Today in Texas History: Massacre at Goliad On March 27, 1836, over 350 Texian soldiers were murdered by Mexican firing squads near Goliad after having surrendered days earlier. Portilla wrote that the total number of his prisoners was 445, exclusive of William P. Miller's eighty men, who had been captured without arms at Copano and were thus to be spared. Carolino Huerta of the Tres Villas battalion. Lalanette (Salanette),, On March 22, William Ward and the Georgia Battalion (80 men plus Ward) surrendered after escaping from the Battle of Refugio. Lynch, N. (Brevt. The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker. Eye Witness Accounts of Busksnort and Marlin, Texas
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