australian shepherd prozac

He is now 7 months old. We are on year 5. Thats a long 15 years without a vacation. So I dont know how to break her of this. well my dog did it. I didnt know this dogs back round and I know about alpha dogs, I have had dogs all of my life. 1, Craiova, jud. He never had any problems with strangers, and then one day he flipped out when someone walked by us, and has been aggressive since towards anyone he doesn't know. love him unconditionally and if he doesnt like others jsut tell people dont touch him. He is 2 weeks older than her and both are 18 months old now. Stay informed! Check out Zaks you tubes. Female Australian Shepherds are smaller, tipping the scales at 40 to 55 pounds with heights between 18 and 21 inches. I want my dog to listen and come every time I call! In general, aggression in dogs can be caused by many things, such as fear, dominance, territoriality, and/or excitement. We live in a downtown loft with tons of noise around us! What is the dog like with you? Say no and then put him in the crate and leave the room for 10 minutes. She will bark at strangers or anyone who approaches her that she doesnt know. The drug has several uses for treating conditions in dogs such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety, fear, and aggression.. If your Aussie is biting then you need to correct it NOW. She pulled me over and hurt my knee requiring surgery when I was trying to walk her, she jumps up continuously despite correction. They see everything as a threat. My male Aussie (just turned 2 saturday) has very recently been having some behavioral problems. He used to love the puppy, they were best friends, and it just all th sudden changed and when his relationship with the puppy changed so did his relationship with me now, sometimes hes ok and sometime I cant walk in my own room because hell try and attack me. Best of luck! Have you had a full physical exam done on the dog? I had her spayed and then when she was healed, I had her meet our 7 yr old female, spayed Rottweiler mix, Holy cow if we hadn't had them on long leashes she would have tried to kill our totally non-aggressive Rott. And he has a loving home wish us and our 2 daughters(college age). How? 1. I'm not sure if getting another dog for him to play with would help or not. I don't know what to do but I am going to have to resort to a shock collar as I can't afford to pay for someone's hospital and vet bills. One had to have its eye removed and the other had its cornea scratched. He gets walks throughout the day as well as free run time and weather depending we do many hikes where they smell each delicious sniffable thing in the wild. Template Design by Cre8ve Online|Mega Menu by Gerry Davis. They are tough dogs & have a high pain tolerance. They met when Eli was a puppy before the aggression kicked in. Well see how this goes, but this article is encouraging. Our vet expressed his concerns that he is so aggressive at such a young age. He just started this aggressive behavior with other dogs. She has a relatively normal dog life. Dobies are super intelligent but I have to say that the Aussie I have has surpassed any of my dobies at the age he's at now. The second day I had him he bit a family member. We adopted our Aussie when she was 1.5 yrs old though. I never really gave it much consideration, I was joyously in love with my adorable new puppy. She is apprehensive about some people, mostly people that don't have dogs. My 14 lb. I am goingvto the Vets tomorrow and hopefullycwe can find a medical answer to her problem. He has lunged and bitten multiple family members, friends and my face pretty badly. Im 16 yrs old and have a 1 yr old black tri Aussie, hes extremely aggressive toward people and recently in the past few day toward me and my puppy, we have 2 other dogs beside him and the puppy and hes never tried to attack them but with the puppy, who weve had for about 2 months, its different. If he is people, other than family, aggressive, that is one thing. Given her anxiety, we have worked with various trainers, tried different supplements, calming collars, CBD etc with little success. They saved me. I go bit in the process. She is a great dog but *can* be reactive with other dogs in her face, and has the occasional indoor peeing thing, and the fur pulling. Speak give him POS. Hes very sweet with people and my wife and I have gotten really attached to him. I really fell in love with her, so smart so loving!! Before I address how I treated Cuba, lets discuss medications. Its a pain and super embarrassing. and a "terror" to our neighborhood and their small dogs. It takes a lot of work from me to just stop what I'm doing and toss the ball. I owned and operated a horse stables and clinic breeding the best that we could. She really is hilarious but I need help!!! He used to be socialized when he was young playing and rounding up all the kids. My Aussie originally was "nervous" meeting anyone outside of our home. She also has an anti anxiety pill she can take when we have company over. Mine is on his 5th day. My dog "Tiddlywinks" runs so fast to go get it. They can be so frustrating. I have trained enough problem dogs to have confidence that my techniques are effective. BUT take a step back, look at yourself. Hopeful but also sad about the changes in my pup. I am experiencing the same thing. I always had standard poodles and this is the first small dog I have had16 pounds of fur. Aussies make some of the best companions to families too. After a while of doing that, teach him/her a Go Greet command. it takes time and patience do not use aversive collars they will make her worse!! not at all what we envisioned when we brought her home as a puppy. I've had him neutered. She is a model citizen and has no problems tolerating the medication. My trainer calls her a "special needs dog". He absolutely hates strangers, the only way he tolerates them is by us using the pronged collar the trainer provided us with and command him to sit and sway his attention with a treat. Editors note: This post originally ran on Caseys blog, Rewarding Behaviors. Even so, we have a wire fox terrier and I dont know what the breeder did to him hes a smart, sweet and loving dog, always snuggling and kissing, but when you pet or stroke him for too long, hell suddenly snap at us, fortunately not actually biting, as if he were reacting to a scary situation. Did they solve the behavior issue? So I am rehoming Abby as soon as I can find someone that I would like to see her with. I now work just one job and it seems to have gotten worse. We had scratches and bruises all the time. I have a reactive German Shepherd female who just turned 3. She has been on the 30 mg for 3 weeks now and it seems like she is slightly more aggressive, quick to react etc than before. My own proximity to the situation (this is a dog I own and love deeply) prevented me from rational observation. Many Thanks Natalie x, I got an RX this evening from vet for prozac for our almost 2 year old pup. from my experience and what I have seen with other aussies, breeders should stop selling these dogs to city folks. This can lead to anaphylaxis, which can be deadly. Prozac should mellow her reactions..take the edge off her anxiety,in order to learn a different response that works as well as aggression. It appears to be happening more often. Build their confidence and don't be discouraged. Are you nervous and uptight? They're fine!" Every day I go out and toss that ball as hard as I can. Hello! Which is out of character since she can be very aggressive. She has been around him many times and has never done this. He's an amazing dog. I think we know why now. If she thinks he will get attention, a toy, or food before she can get there, she attacks him. At this point I think Im going to have to shell out the $3,000 for a local trainer and hope that helps. As a person who has received treatment for mental illness, I know this is not true. Aussies develop anxiety when they are not active enough. I don't think females seem as scary to dogs. Believe me, I know how hard it is. Has your dog ever taken fluoxetine? I still have some challenges, but he is 6 months. My Australian Shepherd Is Very Aggressive And I Need Help by random (WI) Have an Aggressive Dog? We have been doing the training with her to stop aggression with no luck. Judging by all the other comments on here about aggressive Aussies it would seem to be all too common of a problem. Sadie is a rescue dog, so I dont really know her background. i'm so worried she's gonna hurt one of the other two, and i feel like i should've listened when the vet said to rehome her, but she's like my child and i couldn't even bear the thought last year. Click here to browse Chewys Pharmacy for your pets health needs, and click here to buy fluoxetinewith your vets prescription! We took him to obedience school and he caught on quickly but he is a door dasher and is still agresssive with people not dogs. If I am silent or have headphones when I go for a walk he won't be in stride with me to much distraction. Let's further examine each main color category and their beautiful variations. Thanks. One hour class a week with obedience and agility taught him to trust me to be the leader and he could relax. Good luck. She is very trained and hasnt ever done this before. I love my baby boy but I fear he will get out and hurt someone, me get sued, and him put to sleep. My new Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously. It takes a lot of time and patience with aussies. He was from show lines. As I watched all Zak George's you tube videos I think you need to anticipate the reaction before it happens and catch her attention and reward it. Come back, open the crate and ask him to sit and pet him. can you get the lab out of the home for a week or 2 to see if her behavior changes? are often inappropriately prescribed. hi, I just read the above article about an aggressive Australian Shepard. Fluoxetine (Prozac) This medication is commonly used to treat aggressive dogs but also works fine to treat dogs experiencing serious stress and anxiety. So if your using a harness my advise is maybe switch it up. He just started Prozac. These Puppies nip all the time. Although Australian Shepards are known for their high energy, the breed may be susceptible to health problems. I adopted the most amazing dog about eight months ago and she has really made my house a home. Seems like we are all (or most of us) in the same boat! I chose the best breeders I can find, and his littermates are behaviorally normal. He really is an incredibly smart dog and trained well. I went from loving my dogs to truly enjoying my dogs. This dog's gait is free and easy, and must be able to change direction or speed instantly. Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care, reading his books, and watching his movies, WTOV9 - Shadyside man hospitalized after an attack by his own dog, Australian Shepherd Rescue Listings page here, Join in and write your own page! Most of these are moderate. She even wags her tail at some strangers now. They don't go about on a leash, and although they are caged at times when horses are worked they have freedom on the ranch. Her general-care vet prescribed Valium as treatment for separation anxiety. The problem is, separation anxiety is a clinical diagnosis, and Sammy manifested none of the signs (no mutilation of self or property, no absence-induced anorexia, no excessive vocalization, no inappropriate elimination). Your pup is young and it will take time. look up CARE dog training. If you have friends coming over and your dog is exhibiting unwanted behavior, then you need to crate him and let him get used to seeing the people in the room - then let him out and clip his lead on and have him sit by you. just get another dog breed if you live in the city. He was raised at a dog park and very socialized. My house was secure with him home. I made such a terrible choice in selecting this breed. I am searching for any suggestions about training. That lesson alone has made the time and money worth it. That dog turned out to be dog aggressive and would have killed or been killed by our rott. You should contact the dogs' breeder to see if they can offer some insight, as well as to let them know there is a problem with the cross that produced your dog. talk to your vet about trazadone, we use it with our 1 year old when she needs to get groomed or be around kids. old from the owner, who said she was aggressive with her other unspayed female. This is obviously problematic because he will only be relaxed if he is not at home (yard or house) And we dont have somewhere else for him to just live! I also realized im the only one that he really wants to be with, he never takes to others, vacations are tough, and im sure if i had a baby, jealousy would kick in. Its been 3 weeks since we started our Peppina (a Jack Russell mix rescue) on 20mg of Prozac. Where was she before you got her? I got one for my dog and I only had to shock him once. The baby is terrified of her. I have had several Aussies and have never had this problemand it IS a problem. She is a well behaved little girl, not a lot of bark and growl, so when she attacks the back of someones leg it is shocking. Vets should understand canine behavior and also which drugs are appropriate for specific behavior problems. Good luck. Could there be something that is encouraging or stimulating his aggressiveness? Our Aussie was socialized very young. I got him neutered. He is the best loving dog ever. Have you been prescribed meds like Prozac or Valium for your dog? Our great Aussie had issues as a puppy and it was resolved with obedience classes for a 18 mo period at For Pets Sake, Waukesha, WI. To where I have gotten bit 2x, and can't break them up. There are numerous side effects to this medication. He nipped a lot. He has had all his shots, vet checks & neutered on time per his vets recommendation. have a sit and give him a treat. How? After 7 years with much success for training my very reactive border collie I am still having trouble in regards to separation anxiety & visitor reactivity. My hope is that we can continue his lessons and get him off Prozac but for the moment it is the best decision Ive ever made. I had a small Boston Terrier, she grabbed her twice around the neck and shook her so hard I thought she would kill her. At night they were busy raising the human children in the family, so Sammy was lucky to get a 20-minute walk a few times a week. My Aussie is extremely protective and will growl and bark to warn me of any perceived danger. He does have a slight tremor about the mouth that is new. I need some help. We found out she has kidney and elbow displaysia and will probably not live long, so rehoming her to bigger pastures is not an option as it would not be right to pass vet bills and problems on to another owner. It comes in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid which can be given with or without food. I kept a Home Depot bag on my hips filled with treats on my walk. I need help with her and I have had other dogs before in my life. We started bringing treats on walks (these treats are different and tastier treat then the ones we use for trick training) and honestly it helps. I have been told it is there personality. His personality is the same minus the behavior that just didnt seem to be responding to training. After a year of dog training and thousands of power walks I put my one year old collie on Prozac due to uncontrolled obsessive barking. If you are letting the dog lead you, and do this then you are going to have the problem. Your dog may be experiencing pain more than anxiety, just something to think about. Now he has started the constant barking. Just curious as to what you ended up doing. However, for those diabetics who need insulin to survive, it is not doping her up but correcting a chemical imbalance in her body. He was excessively overly excitable. Here are some of the conditions in dogs that veterinarians may treat with fluoxetine: Dosage of fluoxetine for dogs will vary based on the condition that needs treatment, the size of the dog, and the dogs response to the drug. This shepherd-type dog is extremely intelligent, loyal, and hard-working. Anaphylaxis, which can be deadly as to what you ended up doing clinic breeding best..., open the crate and leave the room for 10 minutes female who just turned saturday. ( just turned 3 experience and what I have had other dogs before in my life the! New Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously she will at... Like Prozac or Valium for your dog to break her of this apprehensive about some people other. Get there, she jumps up continuously despite correction local trainer and hope that helps come time! 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